It is the time


The time has come for me. I am no longer interested in this community. I know the first thing some of you are going to say is "I thought you weren't going to leave?" or "You'll be back". Well, shit happens and my mind is pretty set this time on leaving after about a month of thinking.

This past month has been a total shit show and I've been for the most part, dealing with it and trying to stay away from all the drama, but I inevitably got sucked into the drama for literal no reason at all. At first, it wasn't that bad when I got sucked in. I was just accused of abusing, but I knew I didn't abuse so I didn't really care. Sure, I have a free artifact and some free CCs, but those were all a gift from shepard aka given to me with permission from shepard. I never once gave myself things without permission from shepard, but I guess that doesn't really matter. I just wanted to address how I first got sucked into the drama.

Then here comes the bad part. An extremely private thing about me was leaked to the entire forums. I'm sure most of you already know about this, but if you don't, I'd like to direct you towards here: Now, I am not leaving because of this report. I'm better than that and can deal with it, but this post did help me make the ultimate decision in the end. So, Caitlyn was banned on the forums for this, but for only 3 days, or that was how long the original ban was. Not long after, Caitlyn was caught saying the N word on discord and was banned because of it. All good right? We finally got some justice in this community... right? Wrong. Not even 2 hours later, Caitlyn was completely unbanned from both the forums and discord. All because of her ties to shepard. If she was a regular player, she would have already been perm'd with probably no appeal.

There is a HUGE problem with this. First of all, shepard is completely allowing a bully in this community. Someone who leaked private information about me that I did not want ANYONE to ever know. It was my secret to tell, not hers, but she told everyone on the forums anyways and was hardly even punished for it. Then she called someone the N word, which we have a huge no tolerance rule for, yet she still got away with it. Like what the fuck.

I will no longer put up with this bullshit in this community. I have already let caitlyn's drama affect my irl work performance and my irl job is a lot more important than this. My well being and mental health is a lot more important than this. With all that being said, I am officially leaving Reborn Gaming and I ask shepard to NEVER let me back into this community as dev. I can't let myself go on like this in a community where the owner lets things like this slide all the time, especially when its something that's affecting me irl.

I had some great times in this community and I thank everyone who let me have those great times. Thank you for being there for me and being my friend. You know who you are.

Goodbye Reborn Gaming.

ex Head Developer of Reborn Gaming
Artist Formerly known as Static Nation....

Signing off.

PS: If you would like to stay on contact, please add me on steam:
Bonne journée

Didn't know you to much but eh shit be can be like that somtimes. Tottaly agree she shoudent of said that about you and she had no right to but im not to informed on the situation to say anything so eh. <3 - Scary
Atlas its sad to see you go but I completely understand and respect your opinion to leave so now we can finally focus on getting that Imperial Occupation set up right ;D but really I hope things become better for you and best of luck to where ever you go next.