Recent content by Dunkin

  1. Dunkin

    CC Recovery Thread

    In-Game Name: Dunkin CC Name In F4 Menu: Dunkin Link(s) To Workshop Model: SteamID: STEAM_0:0:178054883
  2. Dunkin

    Hawkeye Staff Application

    +1 You're kinda shy around new people, but you are an outstanding person.
  3. Dunkin

    Jump's TS ban appeal

    +1 Deserves all suffering and pain caused. Biggest nerd I know. "Shut up"
  4. Dunkin

    Petition for ban

    How the fuck do people who stopped playing the server hear he is still being cancer xD +1
  5. Dunkin

    Rdes Ban Appeal

    -1 late to the party
  6. Dunkin

    Pains Staff App

    +1 but cancer xD
  7. Dunkin

    Oat mans discord ban

    -1 Oatman has had a thousand chances in the past and knows the rules. I agree with anzati you need common sense. You knew you were gonna get banned should not of done it if you knew what the outcome was. You deserve what you got.
  8. Dunkin

    Dunkin's LOA

    Anyway plane flight in 2hours pce, dirt
  9. Dunkin

    Dunkin's LOA

    Cocaine messes with the sex drive. Not to big of a fan 😂😂
  10. Dunkin

    Dunkin's LOA

    Red bull and Adderall 😂
  11. Dunkin

    Dunkin's LOA

    Fuck don't expose me it's a 4 day marathon
  12. Dunkin

    Cosmiverse's GM app

    +1 coolio
  13. Dunkin

    Addressing issues on my Staff and BH application ~ Thrukan

    As all things do on this community recently...
  14. Dunkin

    Dunkin's LOA

    Going to sisters graduation. Wont be back till Monday next week. Pce nerds.
  15. Dunkin

    Whiskey's Resignation
