Recent content by Five

  1. Five

    I need your help gamers.

    here u go gamer
  2. Five

    Mojang's GM App

    Imagine bumping ur own post 5 hours after someone voted
  3. Five

    General Census on Current Staff/Help Members

    This should be something for personal messages theres no way this shit doesn't become a toxic waste dump
  4. Five

    Cosmiverse's GM app

  5. Five

    Game Master Application

  6. Five

    Dxon's GM App

    Accepted Contact me in teamspeak and be here for the gamemaster meeting to start your training shortly.
  7. Five

    CFN's Gamemaster App

    Denied play on the server for a quite a while longer and after doing so talk to me about joining.
  8. Five

    Game Master Application

  9. Five

    Gorgoesmax's (Cj's) GM Application

  10. Five

    how did he find me?

    I checked logs after this happened for any silent command fuckery and there was none.
  11. Five

    Duck GM App

    Denied you can apply again if you increase your activity
  12. Five

    Make Agile great again!

    Only thing sadder than this is jacob's ark playtime
  13. Five

    Shawn Rynnii Gamemaster Application

    Accepted, tomorrow I will start your training your trial period is 2 weeks and you will have the requirements explained to you, failure to complete the requirements during the two week period will result in failing your trial.
  14. Five

    Midas's Goodbye

  15. Five

    RDE's Unban

    +1 I would be fine with unbanning if the warns were for minging and breaking rules, but almost every issue that comes from RDE is revenge reporting other players and staff as a means to get even with them or get them in trouble for I don’t know what reason. Everything that happens to you @Jerr...