Recent content by Steely

  1. Steely

    Why wiping everything will ruin reborn from a former player

    Hi guys steely here, now I've seen the vote and everything about wiping everything now in my opinion if you wipe everything it will not just kill the player base but kill reborn all together. Now as a player that's paid almost £500 for donation hilts, platinum VIP, igniters and all that type of...
  2. Steely

    Today is Moxxi's 21st birthday!

    What the fuck even I'm older than moxxi right time to Kms
  3. Steely

    it was fun

    Atleast you got it Redicule o7 best of lucks my friend
  4. Steely

    This is the end

    Can you not hack my phone please iroc 😂😂
  5. Steely

    This is the end

    I was taking a break and just resigning from staff but I’m making it permanent. Gaming is laid back but don’t get money for playing a game for about 15 hours 😂 I’m at work right now so I’m half dead already
  6. Steely

    This is the end

    As some of you know I haven't been on in two months ive been extremely busy with working nightshifts and everything and with gaming its hard to get time in after waking up at 4pm after coming in at 7am from a night shift and having to get ready to leave again at the back of 9pm for work again so...
  7. Steely

    Meme Thread

  8. Steely

    Steely's Resignation

    I mean it says it all in the title i am resigning from admin/ trial admin whatever you want to call it, Im burnt out of reborn and to try seem "active" i force myself on the server to play but I got bored. So I'm moving onto different things focusing on life and my girlfriend. You guys are like...
  9. Steely

    Phaze's Ban Appeal

    +3 hell my server died and i was allowed back (yes i didnt leave with a ban but still) give this man a second chance
  10. Steely

    Steely's LOA

    Start date 6/1/2019 End date 6/7/2019 Reason: Going to stay with my girlfriend also champion league final is today so if tottenham win im gonna be fucking drunk every day for now on (we havent won it in our 136year history)
  11. Steely

    To Justice...

    imagine premium thinking that hes even in the top 10 gm's
  12. Steely

    Do You Like the New Skill Trees?

    Not gonna lie its confusing to me the old skill tree i knew exactly what i wanted me build to be if i need a 10k tank for arti raids or my dmg build but now looking at it its so filled with links and messy.
  13. Steely

    Ruby's Staff Application

  14. Steely

    Spoilers for tonight’s game of thrones episode

    Yup even after i knew what was gonna happen due to leaks
  15. Steely

    Fix Steely2 Igniter

    2 whole months its been broken