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  1. B

    Brando, Cool Dude

    EVENT CHARACTER APPLICATION Please copy the entire form below and make a new thread in this section with all of the fields correctly filled out. Failure to correctly fill out this form within 24 hours of posting your application will result in your application automatically being denied...
  2. B

    Guys, Guys.....

    Can I leave the server for two weeks, just two weeks without it immediately going to shit, am I like a toxic sponge or something, does it all get sucked into me and whenever I leave it just leaks everywhere? I wasn’t gonna bother posting till my phone started getting blowups about how the IT...
  3. B

    Me wanting to see how my favorite server was doing

    See you all when I have a computer that isn't a potato, I'll bring more gasoline.
  4. B

    Bounty Hunter Application Thread: Brando

    Edit: I do not remember how to delete threads, accidentally created a wrong thread ooopsss
  5. B

    Brando Army

    So i've just been banned, I dont really care, I did make an oopsie, but while I have the time I really need to talk about the Brando Army, and why Arorous seem to despise it for no discernible reason. I've tried to ask him why its a problem, and hes never given me an answer, probably because...
  6. B


    So.....I think i'm done..... its not actually about being hard pk'd three times in the span of two weeks, that's pretty minor stuff. Its that i'm actually leaving to go back to college in about a week or so, and it would not be fair to suddenly drop off the map as I probably would if I kept...