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  1. Schnitzel

    Don't let this little kid vote

    @Maguku why have u been offline on steam for 1 year n 4 months 🦍
  2. Schnitzel

    Rocky's Jal Shey Mentor App

    +1 yes
  3. Schnitzel

    Who was the best JvS player

    true shit
  4. Schnitzel

    Who was the best JvS player

  5. Schnitzel

    Pains Goodbye.

    T Take care old friend and goodluck
  6. Schnitzel

    Pains Goodbye.

    mans really gonna forget me like that, dont overdose on marijaoune TC
  7. Schnitzel


    Should’ve let me euthanize...
  8. Schnitzel

    Mojang's Gamemaster Application

    +1 yes
  9. Schnitzel

    Savage Opress' Staff Application

    +1 cuz yes
  10. Schnitzel

    Darth Savage Opress LOA *UPDATED*

    One long ass loa
  11. Schnitzel


    What if I had 2
  12. Schnitzel


    If I had a cc on OG reborn do I get one on the new one as well?
  13. Schnitzel

    Pump Staff App

    +1 fucking hot
  14. Schnitzel

    Redicule Staff Application

    +1 go get em
  15. Schnitzel

    Vickolas Van's Staff Application

    +1 I ain’t even gonna play but fuck it imma vote anyway try to fucking stop me
  16. Schnitzel

    Most Hated Player In Reborn History?

    Yo shut the fuck up tho
  17. Schnitzel

    What really killed Reborn....

    The servers death began when the gray council faded away
  18. Schnitzel

    soooo ah huh

    League of leg, doom, Minecraft, but mostly a blend of mc and lol