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  1. Judge Judy

    Like all speedsters my race is over...

    I got in my feels after reading the title bc I’ve watched the flash on Netflix like 3 times Never really had any interactions w you but you seem like a nice guy and a good staff member, hope wherever else you choose to spend your time goes well man
  2. Judge Judy


    -snip- I just talked to Shepard and we sorted things out
  3. Judge Judy

    Maven's GameMaster Application

    Can we keep this thread relevant and stop bashing cloak please :) if you guys really don’t like him that much make a report no need to bash him on someone’s application you don’t have to agree with his point of view or reasons behind his -1 Also -1 I see you on the server all the time however...
  4. Judge Judy

    Paisly Staff App

    -1 Also you're relatively new to the community, being level 82 I did have one interaction with you and you seem like a chill guy but more people should get to know you
  5. Judge Judy

    Espomets's Staff Application

    I did read it, that's how I caught that, if you actually read it, it clearly states "Last edited today" after I said no permission he edited it. Use your brain bud
  6. Judge Judy

    Espomets's Staff Application

    -1 -no permission -only seen you once -you should become more well known on the server before applying
  7. Judge Judy

    Cazar/Razac ban Appeal

    Can someone get charger on here
  8. Judge Judy

    TamedAchilles' Trooper Life

    Name of the model says NPC I’d use the model in single player to make sure it works the model id says player so u should be good but I’d make sure so u don’t have to waste ur free rework
  9. Judge Judy

    Dead But Still Talking (fixed)

    Let this be his final warning then, now that this happened he should get a harsher punishment if he’s caught doing it again in my opinion. He’s been banned in the past for doing it and now he has a whole thread dedicated to telling him not to do it. If he does it again I think it should prolly...
  10. Judge Judy

    cant believe im here again

    +1 for a SHORTENED ban to 1 week I don’t think it should be a 2 day like Shepard said, proof was provided that he put the n word in OOC obviously trying to minge and being careless, and based off of his personality in this thread I can easily see him doing again after a short 2 day ban.
  11. Judge Judy

    The grey problem

    Nah I don’t wanna be a grey, not something I’d be interested in
  12. Judge Judy

    The grey problem

    +1 to perma bam schnitzel because he stopped donating and he was 75% of reborns income
  13. Judge Judy

    The grey problem

    +1 to remove greys and keep EE in 4.0
  14. Judge Judy

    Dead But Still Talking (fixed)

    Yes he did and he deserves a warn for that but this is a warn for FailRP and discussing if he deserves a warn for FailRP which he doesn’t. He does deserve a warn for not listening to staff though
  15. Judge Judy

    Dead But Still Talking (fixed)

    If you’ve had problems with him in the past, then yes he deserves a punishments but neither comments from cloak and the player talk about past conflicts so I’m assuming this is the first time
  16. Judge Judy

    Dead But Still Talking (fixed)

    !respawn with a verbal warning if he does it again THEN warn, sometimes ppl just need a verbal so they can cool down bc maybe he was just mad or it was just in the moment
  17. Judge Judy

    Bossk's Staff Application

    Just looked you up on gametracker my mistake it does seem like you’re active I’m changing my vote to a NUETRAL
  18. Judge Judy

    Bossk's Staff Application

    -1 I still never see you on the server, and it’s not different time zones, I’m on every day and I see you get on once every 2-3 days for like 30 min then u get off and I don’t see you for Another 2-3 days. You used to be active but I’d try getting that activity back up
  19. Judge Judy

    Zachary Ban appeal

    What a major thing to leave out
  20. Judge Judy

    Zachary Ban appeal

    -1 actions have consequences idk why it occurred to you that there wouldn’t be consequences to exploiting to using the staff job