Afk room killing

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Your In-Game Name and Steam ID: BI DF Sith Apprentice Zaros ID: STEAM_0:0:79676691

Reporting Player IG Name and Steam ID: Jedi Padawan Titus ID: ????????? left or changed name before i could find the profile

Reason: killing me and ay least 2 other's in the afk room while they were afk.

Proof(Highly recommended): screen shots

Additional Info if there is any: I luckily have 2 monitors, so i was able to view on the other screen some jedi coming up and attacking us while we were afk, but could not react and start recording, it was too late by the time I got control of gmod and he/she was gone. This was probabally just a new user doing a bit of mingeing, but still now that I have signed up on the forums, i might as well do my part. Also Therik Killian saw this stuff happen as well, so he/she can back me up.
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