BABY YODAS warn appeal 1

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SteamID 64 (Ex: 76561198068568843): 76561198880586082

Staff Member who Warned: Mael Baez

Warn reason: kill abuse and fail rp

What happened?: A random sith attacked me without saying anything so like any other person i killed and i wasnt in trouble at all i didnt do anything all i said was im defending the emperor and ppl have been randomly attacking me on sith all day and i didnt fail rp either so i dont know why that was added to it i was rping completely

Why you should your appeal be accepted?: the guy that attacked me has been rdming me all day on sith and this is my first warn and i never got a verbal for this and when i was warned for it i asked why and i never even got a valid answer for it

Any sort of proof(photo,video): no


I mean... you just admitted to breaking the rules? -1
I'm guessing the reason why you killed yourself is because you were on your sith life but rather than killing yourself you should have taken care of it in a staff sit or do something IC. This also does not look good on you for your staff app since you openly broke the rules then admitted to it in your appeal.
I mean if you are attacked first then you aren't in the wrong but if it was happening over and over you should have let staff know, I still feel like a lot is missing and @Mael Baez needs to come give his story.

Mael Baez

-1 as I did warn you, you heard what I said before you killed yourself as you were about to be killed by a player and proceeded regardless to abuse the kill feature. I will not go back on it as given you are a "Prior" player on Reborn, you should know better. I understand you were being killed, but it was not by the same one all day. I should know as I was on long enough and never once saw you being constantly killed by anyone but once or twice. You openly admitted to breaking rules, I give you that, but never getting a warn before has nothing to do with the fact you broke the rules. Also, in regards to the Sith attacking you, whether its Sith on Sith, or you claim to be "Defending the Emperor", Lorewise Sith attack Sith for various reasons. Since it was not an "RDM" case, it would have been more appropriate to take care of the matter ICly. Verbals are not required, but I warned you verbally prior to the Kill Abuse. That coincides with the FailRP as you killed yourself to avoid IC Sith Punishment, otherwise, there would have been no case of Kill Abuse. That was also said Verbally regarding what not to do, prior to you doing it.


After some discussion, we have decided that the kill abuse part of the warn is valid However, the Fail RP aspect is not Next time you log onto the server we will rename the warn to reflect this decision.
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