Discord ban appeal

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Steam Name and In-Game Name: Tyr

Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) Discord

Banning Staff: Caitlyn

Reason for Ban: Idk

Ban Time: Perma

What did you do?: I asked a question in the jvs support channel then oompft said something so i replied she kicked me for that then when i came back i asked why i got kicked and why did she abuse she banned me

Why you should be unbanned: Because i did nothing worng i just asked a simple question about the new skill trees update and oompft got me banned because i said something -.-


The ban reason is "getting kicked coming back calling me dumb and being toxic"
I believe the ban is also fair from you just memeing around with me in discord DMs. You are toxic as fuck.


+1 The ban should be reduced instead of just jumping from Kicks to Perma's without doing anything that horrible.
You cant set discord ban times without a bot. Which we dont have any type of moderation bot yet. All bans are technically perm, most likely would be a 2-3days until I unban him.

https://gyazo.com/8199968277e32a9ca1351a18593097c6 After getting kicked for abusing the Support channel and not using it properly, not his first offense may I add, he then joins back being toxic. Toxic behavior is not tolerated in the discord.


ive kicked you like 3 times and blocked you for being a toxic little boy, you can stay banned for awhile.
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