

Make it so you can move things around in your inventory, I was trying to sort things out so I dropped some amps and materials and half of them glitched out and fell through the world -_-


+1 We've had so many god damn issues with "shit falling through the world" I know there was some issue about being able to select an item and drag it, but hopefully the dev's (anzati) could figure it out. If not, oh well. Just pick stuff up immediately upon dropping, dont goof it up



Really doesn't require much explanation as to why I support this very whole-heartedly. Things for organizational purposes are always welcomed, fun, and would help people navigate their inventory much quicker given most do tend to want to just "equip" and "unequip" amps easily for different builds and things of that nature. An inventory being cluttered and quite hard to navigate without "unofficial manual sorting" is just a clumsy mess to be tangled with that common example.