Kapo's Ban Appeal

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Steam Name and In-Game Name:
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) JvS
Banning Staff: ScaryTiger
Reason for Ban: Racism?
Ban Time: 3 days
What did you do?: said the word cracker (a food)
Why you should be unbanned: since when is the word cracker (a food) ever used as a racist term, bout as ridiculous as the ok hand symbol being a racist symbol, this is really dumb.
He called someone a Cracker

Racism isn't allowed, doesn't matter the word. There is no way for me to tell if its something you knew or not to be racist, But the fact you used it and the way you did seems like you knew what you were saying.
So @Kapo-Chan you were obivously trying to use this word as a racist word and not just saying the word as a food. There is a difference between directing it towards someone and actually just talking about food.


Yeah... I’m going to have to +1 this ban appeal. Calling someone a food item isn’t really racist especially in the context of that screenshot. Like if I called Dickolas Dan a spoon I don’t think that would be racist.

Edit: -1 read post below.
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update your post with the stuff actually filled out.
Also this wont get accepted unless you have proof of what you said.

well i was accused, surely the burden of proof is on the accuser, plus to be banned over something so rediculous, i've issued a chargeback, you may as well change it to a permanent now, good fucking luck cretins and enjoy the paperwork. PEACE!
Yeah... I’m going to have to +1 this ban appeal. Calling someone a food item isn’t really racist especially in the context of that screenshot. Like if I called Dickolas Dan a spoon I don’t think that would be racist.

That wouldn't be racist because "spoon" isn't used as a racist term. Cracker is a racist term used against white people as a derogatory term.


That wouldn't be racist because "spoon" isn't used as a racist term. Cracker is a racist term used against white people as a derogatory term.

I live in the UK, that term is never used ever, obviously that's only a Burgerland thing, cracker is such an inoffensive word i'm surprised people even use it in such a way like ever, bout as rediculous as the OK hand sign being racist or voting for a non communist politician.


well i was accused, surely the burden of proof is on the accuser, plus to be banned over something so rediculous, i've issued a chargeback, you may as well change it to a permanent now, good fucking luck cretins and enjoy the paperwork. PEACE!
Damn, this shit is only 3 days lol. You really did a chargeback? @Shepard Thats actually fucking retarded. I’m sorry your poor little head can’t handle 3 days away from a fucking game. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt before but now I realized how much of an entitle little fucking brat you are. (-1 btw)


Damn, this shit is only 3 days lol. You really did a chargeback? @Shepard Thats actually fucking retarded. I’m sorry your poor little head can’t handle 3 days away from a fucking game. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt before but now I realized how much of an entitle little fucking brat you are. (-1 btw)
nah it's just i have no patience for dumb shit anymore, servers have mistreated me enough for the past 6 years, if im gonna get banned over dumb shit they deserve the headache.


nah it's just i have no patience for dumb shit anymore, servers have mistreated me enough for the past 6 years, if im gonna get banned over dumb shit they deserve the headache.
Damn I can hear you breathing from all the way in Arizona. “seVeRS hAVe mIstREAtED mE EnOUgh fOR The pASt 6 yEARs” maybe it’s not the server that’s the problem. Maybe it’s you thinking you’re the only one that matters.
nah it's just i have no patience for dumb shit anymore, servers have mistreated me enough for the past 6 years, if im gonna get banned over dumb shit they deserve the headache.
servers have mistreated you. If you've been to so many servers and most have mistreated you, that sounds like YOU are causing the problems chief.
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