Limo's TS Ban Appeal

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Steam Name and In-Game Name: Limo/Sabshurez77
SteamID: STEAM_0:1:79790863
Server: (Jedi vs Sith or Skyrim) Jedi Vs Sith
Banning Staff: Miles
Reason for Ban: Child Porn
Ban Time: Permanent
What did you do?: I sent a mp4 of a child sexually assaulting a chicken and posting it in TS chat.
Why you should be unbanned: I know I deserve this ban and I know that is this is not right and my ban is justified its just I wasn't think correctly at that time. I took it as a joke even though it wasn't a joke. I know the second I posted it in the chat I messed up... I didn't want to write the Ban Appeal because the fact that everybody will see this but its already been tossed around so its already out there. I know I am in the wrong but all I ask is forgiveness for this horrible offensive and I know in real life I won't get second chances and this is a long shot to be asking for a unban. Give me a chance I am standing for my actions and facing them head on even the consequences of getting harassed, frowned upon, disliked, bullied, and etc.

In deepest regrets, Sincerely - Limo


-3 you sent that link to the TS, i unfortunately clicked it and suddenly I had child porn downloaded to my computer. Also, was making rape jokes and being racist. This user should never be unbannned.


the fact that you think you only messed up by sending it to chat makes me wonder what kind of fucked human being doesnt think they messed up by having child porn on their computer already... much less sending it to others, I can only imagine what else is on your computer


-1 No way this is even remotely funny. Should remained banned from TS and should also be server banned. Just by clicking it on accident you can be prosecuted for Child Porn.
The fact that you had something like that on your computer sickens me and the fact that we play with a various age group of people in what mind did u think that was ok


-1 You didn't seem to regret it when you posted because you were laughing when you posted in the chat, and asking people to click on it. Plus what Myth said
Look Limo if this is the video I am thinking of I can understand how it is viewed as more of a meme than actual child porn its self. I can see how you thought it was a meme as I even originally saw it as a meme as the brother does bust in being like oh dude I caught you Haha and not having the intention of being like oh watch my brother do a sexual act but I think you should not be unbanned right away as I used to have a very similar type of humor just last summer and now I regret it and I hope that this TS ban shows you to reevaluate what you find funny or at least find whats acceptable and what not acceptable but for now just take a break from the TS and I would personally suggest from the server as a whole.
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