Information Logo Contest


It is what it is
Alright, it's time for some new things. As much as I love our current logo, I want to try to make it clear that when we relaunch, this time, that we are not the same Reborn that we were a few years ago. In order to help do that, we will he hosting a icon/logo creation contest. The judges of it are going to be the Superadmins, Executives, and myself (With some input from the rest of you aswell). I want it to channel the same vibes as the last logo, but it doesn't need to. The winner will receive:
5 sabers from the store

Premium (Or something else if they already have it.)

Our gratitude

And one roll from the wheel on server launch.

There are prizes for the top 3 logos, but I don't have them ironed out yet. Most likely store prizes.