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Staff Application

Player Information
Your name: _optical_
Your steamID:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198073778926/home
Your current rank: G-VIP
Amount of Warns: 0

Player's Server Information
Rank you are applying for: Moderator
Total time with the community (months): 4 months
Current level within the server: 144

Administration Availability
What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 5-12pm
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 12-12pm

Previous Administrative Experience
Server(s): N/A
Position(s): N/A
Time as position(s): N/A
Brief overview of the position(s):
Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff
[X ]

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [optical], have permission from [Croc] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated): I do not have much experience with being an Admin or a rank of the like. I used to be a GM but I left because I felt that the server had more than enough GM’s, but not nearly enough moderators or admins on at the late hours when I am usually online. I decided to go for this position because I am sick of seeing all of the cancer, minge, and randoms who join the server to just fuck around and not treat it as a serious RP server. Of course I am not saying that players can not have fun playing around during down time, but during up time the cancer and the amount of players refusing to RP really bothers me. As a T-GM during downtime at several occasions when there were no other staff online for some weird reason. I had to go around and deal with all the random RDM’s that people were doing in the spawn rooms and it got on my nerves that as a T-GM I had to do that when it was not my job and I’m not supposed to. So I decided to help the server in a more meaningful way by giving up my previous position and going for one I felt I could better impact the server.


-2 You just got gm and now you are instantly trying to get mod slow down, and I havent seen in a long time


@Luna Yeah I forgot to post an LOA but I've bee busy with school recently and it just slowed down so I've been on more. And I got T-GM 3 weeks ago but I stated the reasons I am leaving

Oat man

-1 I dont know you got T-GM then went inactive and you time with the community is not 4 months because you went inactive and active a lot so total time of being active is like a month


Nuetral, I dont know who you are and you're lacking experience, but also everyone deserves a chance and people who help are always appreciated.


I am redacting this APP, I've decided to take a break from this server and most games in general. If you need me message me on steam but just move this into rejected I don't care anymore


-1 moderator shouldn't be second pick. You should want either GM or staff you shouldn't be switching around even since you got accepted less than a month ago


I am redacting this APP, I've decided to take a break from this server and most games in general. If you need me message me on steam but just move this into rejected I don't care anymore
Did you care to begin with? Doesn’t seem like it since you gave up after 3 votes


No I did, you should have seen my TGM app, I completely re-worked it because of the feedback I received. It's stuff at home that is making me want to do this. It's personal and I do not need to explain myself but I'm taking a break from the entire server and it doesn't seem fitting for me to be in a position of power on the server without me being on it regularly


No I did, you should have seen my TGM app, I completely re-worked it because of the feedback I received. It's stuff at home that is making me want to do this. It's personal and I do not need to explain myself but I'm taking a break from the entire server and it doesn't seem fitting for me to be in a position of power on the server without me being on it regularly
Ok man, just gl where ever you end up
-1 already inactive on gm, if you cant be active as a gm you wont stay long as staff team. Meaning the staff team is more strict with time hours.
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