Pni'Xeus B1 Battledroid Merc

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Steam Name - Pni'Xeus
Steam ID -
Ingame Name(s) and Ranks - Emp Shadow Pni'Xeus Dovaro, Pni'Xeus Do'vor(name is changing), Knight Cain Jaull
Server Playtime - 2w - 2d - 11 h
Garry’s Mod Playtime - 3906 hours
Warn Count - 0
Age - 20

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Requires VIP

Event Character roles require a good amount of knowledge of lore, server history, and current server events.
Answer these questions as best you can to demonstrate these attributes.
Minimum effort will not be tolerated.

What interests you most in the Star Wars universe?
No matter where you look in Star Wars, especially with any background character or grunt characters they always have some extensive story or writing explaining exactly who, what, where or why they are even in the story to begin with, and I feel as I read and learn about these characters it really opens up the variety and uniqueness of the whole idea of what Star Wars is.
What is the name of your character, and what is their history?

The character is a B1 Battle droid who will be unnamed (except for B1-Merc) till given one in-game by surrounding players. The droid starts out as many other B1 Battle droids around him started on a factory line, slowly moving down a conveyor getting put together flimsily. During the process however of being put together there was a short in the system stopping the line for a short period knocking over a couple of the B1's on the line. When stood back up they had mixed his command module of that of a 00M Series droid which mixed with all the old parts of a B1 caused irregularities in his systems, making him confused and unaware of what his main purpose was after being finished on factory line. Already confused with his objective was slapped with a E-5 Blaster Rifle and packed for deployment. During the transportation of the B1 on the Droch-class Boarding ship they were struct and drifted for a while, upon awakening this B1 would realize he is alone as all the other B1's had been torn apart by the local Jawa Sand Crawler, afraid and alone decided to run from the crash that only seemed like minutes ago, to a nearby palace, upon entering he would be attacked by the guards yet showing intelligence would be brought in front of Jaba the Hutt and given a deal to work for him as a Mercenary.
What drew you to the character role you have selected?

I was messing around with a voice changer and found one that makes me sound almost exactly like a b1 series battle droid and the immersion of the character with the voice just really drags me to the character.
What are your character’s main motivations, and how will you use that to drive your story?

B1's main motivations are to please the Cartel as they saved his life from the scrap piles and Jawa's slimy hands of greed. He takes any cash that he can as he will funnel it directly into the cartel for their spice runs or illegal trafficking right under the Jedi order.

Copy and answer only the questions relevant to your role.

Why has your character not joined either the Republic or Imperial military with their combat ability?
He is directly loyal to the Hutts and the Cartel as they saved his life and gave him a new purpose, or his only and first commands as a fresh droid on the battlefield.
What is your character’s goal as a Mercenary?
As stated before his main goals are to please the Hutt Cartel and to grow and learn as he has no information other than how to aim his weapon and take the orders from the Cartel, perhaps one day with the right goal setting might become a Bounty Hunter or even take the Cartel.
How will your character interact with the Republic and Empire?
He will act neutral between the two but go for the money as he is only in it for the Cash no matter the job, the ideals of the Jedi or the Sith do not sit right with him as they don't correspond with his given orders to "Serve, and Destroy those opposed to the Cartel"

“Jesse, You Asked Me If I Was In The Meth Business, Or The Money Business… Neither. I’m In The Empire Business.”


The Observer

Forum Manager
JvS Staff

Tried and true Gamemaster with amazing roleplay abilities. Excellent description of the character he plans to play and their motivations. Definite yes from me!


+1 SHOW ME THE RP BABY! Would love to see you working with the Hutts! Giving me some B1-0516 vibes from the Star Wars comics?!?! I wonder, could you say "Roger, Roger" for me once more?
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