Roman's Staff Application

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Player Information

Your name: ROMAN / Roman Camas

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:59792994

Your current rank: N/A

Amount of Warns: 00

Player's Server Information

Rank you are applying for: Trial-Moderator

Total time with the community (months): 14 months, took a extended break since the SWTOR RP

Current level within the server: 0

Administration Availability

What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 4:00PM CST - 9:00PM CST

What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 8:00AM CST - 1:00AM CST

Previous Administrative Experience

Server(s): Reborn Gaming, Exhibition CWRP, & [REDACTED] Servers

Position(s): Moderator, Staff Manager, and Head of Staff, respectively

Time as position(s): 2 months, 18 months, 18 months, respectively

Brief overview of the position(s): As moderator on Reborn I had pretty simple duties, take sits, oversee conflicts, and make sure no one was doing stuff too outrageous, no management duties. As for the other 2 networks I was the overseer of the staff and gamemaster teams. Ran recruitment for the team, processed applications, and did the general management of the staff team.

Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.

User Administrative Agreement

By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:

- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff

[ X ]

User Permission Clause

By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [Roman], have permission from [Whiskey] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).

I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

[ X ]

Player Interview

Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated): I have been a member of the community for a decent time. When I played JvS; before the SWTOR RP I would no life the server. I have been playing Garry’s Mod for the last 8 years, and have a current total of 7695 hours of play time. I want to help Reborn Gaming out, as does everybody else who makes this application. I can filter bias out of any situations that I may be involved in as I tend to have to do it in real life a lot, no bias would come out of my staff situations, to ensure equality, and fair treatment among the players. I would say that I do RP quite well when the situation calls for it, and tend to have an open ear to anybody who requires it. And when I was Moderator on Reborn before I quit Garry’s Mod for an extended time, I didn’t have any bad situations with anyone, didn’t get in trouble, and did my job right. I hope I will be able to enjoy the server as I once did with the relaunch of Reborn.


Neutral - Interview is short and i have no interaction to base off of

Edit - Seems to have good experience however since I don't have any interactions to base your personality off I cant +1 the application but this does not mean I appose you becoming staff
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+3, I remember working with you multiple times before, mostly positive interactions, hope that keeps up during your trial.
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