Save The Server

Give higher ranks a bigger health pool, give troopers an actual skill tree so they can use all their skill points but at the same time lower level troopers can still be viable, fix the korriban map to where it's not impossible to overthrow as well as make it smaller, sith do NOT need that big of a map it's ridiculous, boost drop rates in the caves, right now newer players have to spend hours in the caves to find anything viable. Make it easier to be a new player on the server, I feel that one reason we dont get many new players is because they just land SO far behind everyone else and get tired of trying to catch up, in doing this what I mean is give newer players an easier time gaining exp as well as give them more ways of earning exp. The zombies on kashyyk are there yes but for a new player take FOREVER to kill. One way to do this is make the below level 150 zombies slot easier for people to kill so it is a viable option. Doing this I feel will help keep newer players. Please post your own suggestions and what you think is wrong with this one just stay constructive.


in 2.0 a padawan could kill a master if he was good enough now a padawan dies in 1 tick