tyr's bias warn appeal

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Thats not it at all. I rarely seen reports in @ about bhopping.
yeah because everyone bhops and i've been told by multiple people that you're allowed to bhop when you are not in combat plus it was DT too and i wasn't harming anyone
Neutral - While most people bhop and I agree it's a dumb rule, using other people bhopping as an excuse isn't a valid excuse that would be like saying because someone else ran a red light and didn't get in trouble I shouldn't either.

I Bhopped plenty of times in front of admins and mods after the Out of Combat bhop ban, I acutally had a bad habit of it but I never got a warn or ban at all, not even verbal warnings


Idk if I can deny this since its zozo's warn maybe owner has to butt -3 or -4 i forget which one I can do.

Its a rule whether people like it or not, tyr's played the server for over a year and should know better.

and just because you don't see staff enforce a rule doesn't mean it shouldn't be enforced.


+1, I call staff for bhop all the time and not even a spectate, honestly no one enforces any of the rules. Every staff has their bias and won’t enforce rules on some people. But people like you,RDE, and shade are targeted by most staff so that is why you have the most warns. I see people bhop all the time in front of staff and not even a sit 🤦‍♀️
ew you snitch
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