Ventum's Gray Jedi Application

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Steam Name: .null
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:91575114
CC Name: Ventum The Divided
Current names/ranks on server: Prince Ventum, DST INQT Lord Gust Zoitz, Padawan Gust
Level: 180
Number of warns: 5 (1 active)
Time on Server: 100+hrs

In your own words, describe what Gray Jedi means to you:

A Gray Jedi is a term used to describe force users who neither fall upon the Sith or Jedi Factions, considered by both "Gray", another common term used may be "Dark Jedi"; but the most generally accepted term is Gray. With this being said as a Gray the person(s) that have distanced themselves from both factions have sought to go on their own path and find their own destiny without the bindings of Sith, Jedi, or EE. Constantly trying to find new meaning in the force and ways to improve their insight on it. Gray's are in a constant power struggle within themselves, practically on a tightrope of emotions. But once the Gray has controlled these emotions, they can truly begin their experience without the tugs of the dark or light.

Usually drifters these beings can be interpreted in many ways, some may want to seek further power, some may want to spread their influence and knowledge, some may want to seek even more knowledge, some even just retire to a life of solitude away from the constant battling. I see the Gray as an opportunity to do all of these things, coinciding with each other and having these existing desires and emotions fueling the person(s) passion to further improve and protect what should be protected in the first place, the force.

That brings me to "Balance", a very broad term but nonetheless arguably explainable. Balance to me is to where both sides of the force, light and dark can co exist without either side causing problems and fostering hate for the other. Balance can only be achieved when the users of the light and dark can achieve this, as the force itself is already in balance. But due to a constant power struggle and people fueled by their own righteous desire, this has not happened for thousands of years, and probably never will be achieved.

A very select few have overcome this and achieved enlightenment, seeing the force for what it truly is, an equal. Not an ally, not an enemy, not a tool, not the user, but an equal, one that we see as another human. Not something that should be worshiped, but something that should be accepted and welcomed. Not something that should be used to further a person's own personal beliefs or greed, but something that should be used to aid and provide security for all whom use it.

Light and Dark are usually seen as opposites on the same coin, the coin being the force itself, and while this is partially true, it doesn't have to be. It is what the user does with that specific part of the force that determines it's overall value and public's outlook on it. Whether people see it as a dead religion, a cult, a tool, an ally, it all falls on the people who use it.

Explain your goal as Gray Jedi:

My personal goal above all else would be to follow my own path, balancing out the constantly leaning block, preventing it from leaning too far over to one side, and doing my best to do that. Influencing others to see the alternate path that some may have never even dreamed of before they met a Gray and educating them on this path, possibly influencing them to change their actions to be more... Gray.

Though it is not my place to help those who don't require it. Whether they are Sith, EE, or Jedi. Intruding on their own faction to forcibly impose my beliefs is nothing short of ludicrous and blasphemous. It is up to the people in that faction to decide their own fate on their own behalf, without me entering unannounced and swaying their opinion prematurely.

Lastly, as a Gray you must remain unbiased in any and all situations that come your way, this is another one of my goals. No matter what happens along my journey I must remain balanced internally and externally, especially in confrontations. No matter if they are verbal or physical. This is so that both sides feel as if they are being treated fairly and that the person mediating the conflict is not siding with one side more than the other, if the Gray were to side with one more than the other, this would just lead to further conflict.

Explain why you feel you should be allowed to be Gray:

I have had a long run on the server, joining in early 3.0 and staying until now late 3.0 (early 4.0?!?!?!) I have enjoyed the ride since the start and have gained heaps of knowledge along the way, in RP and out of RP, I have grown as a person thanks to this server and I have experienced every faction, becoming Emperor of the sith for a brief period of time, obtaining a Jedi Council seat, and becoming Prince of the Eternal Empire, I know how every faction operates and know how to deal with almost any situation that they may have appropriately.

With this being said, experiencing every faction, I have yet to truly find my own place, Sith being the closest I've ever come, but dropping that a couple of summers ago. I feel as if Gray may be the answer for me and I am ready to take that risk in making the leap into Gray and experiencing it, coming full circle in everything I could have in the Roleplay aspect of this server.

I can't say I've been perfect though, as my warnings may prove. I've been stubborn, toxic, and an overall dickhead at points. To that, I completely understand it and acknowledge it. My actions reflect who people see me as a person, especially over the internet. But through all of it, I continue to try and learn from every mistake I make, not letting it get to my head and moving on, and through every warn I've received, through every stubborn talking to, I have grown and matured as a person and role player. Thank you.


-1, I'm hesitant to say you're ready for gray. Honestly just give it some more time and get more well known, other than on EE


+1 Decent Application and you seem to be a pretty chill dude, though I do agree with others that you should get yourself out there and more well known in the other Factions.


-1, 3 or less warns is the rule. I like you bud but if one exception is made all exceptions need to be made otherwise it is unfair and people will complain.


+1 Amazing application only problem I could see is your only known on EE so i think you should explore around and try to get more known. But otherwise he's a chill guy, would be nice to see him as a grey.
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