Warn Appeal

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Any warn appeal that is created not using this template will be ignored until it is changed to the correct format.

Your Steam ID and/or IGN: Spear Master Leftpop Boreas

Staff Member who Warned:Sloth

Warn reason:Bhop

What happened?: I did a single Bhop when going to the warp pad on tat and then I challenged someone to a duel. I was warned with bhopping and then told after that I cannot Bhop.

Why you should your appeal be accepted?: I know we cannot BHOP but its a single bhop, I see so many other people bhopping like crazy whenever its on tatooine or on home planets. Without a verbal I was instantly warned, I wouldve liked a verbal like "nextime you I see you bhop, I will warn you."

Any sort of proof(photo,video): N/A
bhoping shouldnt be tolerated IF it was such a big deal. like mid combat bhopping to get away should be insta warn, but for stealing lootboxes and just for fun it should be a sit nothing else.

Shade Tano

+1 I bhop to lol I saw a legendary loot box and I bhop so fucking fast to it like sonic but no it despawned not saying I should be warned lol hahaha unless....
Personally, the bhop rules where something I never liked. He shouldn't of warned you without a sit or anything of the such, but to be fair, you should know the rules. +1


@Arata Winters I was talking in TS with some people apart of novar and someone said that one bhop is still bhopping people should know by now that it is aginst the rules like i did it once and gotten warned and people that have been playing on the server for a while should know better by now the rules are still the rules even if it is just a small one


and yes the bhop rules are fucking stupid but i still got 3 bhop warns when i was just jumping around not in combat or anything
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