What do you want added to REBORN


It's no secret the servers player count has been lower than usual
For the curious minds this is our player count over the last month. The drop in players is from a mix of things, like school, drama, burn out, lack of updates and just a general lack of new things to do. So I am reaching out to you guys to ask what do you want? What kind of things do you want added (or removed) from the server? Please send this thread to friends who have quit or are thinking about quitting as I am taking this very seriously. ALSO PLEASE DONT SAY 4.0 IM WELL AWARE OF THAT.


mandalorians idfc if i have to donate for a custom faction id fucking do it

edit: now that I have the first reply, I can make a serious response. First, I just want to put it out there, notice how all of this started after 3.11. I think the changes to combat affected this turnout someway, instead of having mixed and various builds people could use, it's now very defined and pinpoint builds that people have to work around, I understand it's easier for you and developers to balance shit but it's frustrating to us since we are restricted to what builds we can use.

Though that's just a thought could be that the change was fine. I also think there should be a way to earn items differently from the standard cave gathering/event participation methods. 90% of the events I go to now are just so I can get money. If there was an alternative (cases, crystal clicker, etc) this would greatly change my view on it all.'

Along with this, you should find something for max level players to do after reaching 210. I have roleplay I can turn to but not every 210 has that. I find myself spending atleast 40% of my time just force-leaping around tatooine fighting people. If there were like (PRESTIGE) we could do that would be fucking lit, you know we keep our skill points and shit but we can prestige and earn our levels all over again, without earning the skill points. This is more of a cosmetic thing but I'm a big sucker for cosmetic additions, so it'd be welcome.

edit 2:

a day after writing this I have a new one, I was reading the replies and I saw a mention of having faction leaders apply/re-apply for their positions. This, in my opinion, is probably the absolute best way to ensure the public opinion of an Emperor/Eternal Emperor/Grandmaster. To prevent them from getting stale and to have these faction leaders be on their toes about how they operate rather than just making sure their Council does the work for them by setting an image that doesn't exist.

To be more refined though, I think every month, the faction leader in question must put in a re-application for their position, and if a Master/Champion/Darth wants, they can also put in an application to counter, the voting itself could be split a few ways. First, you could do it like Gray Applications, when someone reaches a certain +1 threshold first, they get the spot. Or after a certain period of time, the votes are tallied and the person with more votes gets to pass. I think there is a better way though.

I think instead of either of those options, you could have the voting be normal, and after a certain point if the applications are mostly positive (lets go with a 70/30 ratio just to pass for now). After which, the passing applicants would move to a formal debate on the server about why they should obtain the position. This allows for a more diplomatic approach to it all and I believe it would be the most accepted.

This obviously brings the question of Overthrows, and to be honest I think they should just be removed if this were to be put into place, Overthrows are there for people to take out a faction leader they deem "unfit". While this provides an excellent roleplay approach, it can be abused. People who just want power for power instead of wanting to improve their faction just overthrow because of something petty, small, minute, etc. This affects the faction as a whole if the OT is successful. Leading to a repeat of the same thing until someone is put into place that may have people who aren't good in their position, but just know how to defend against an OT. This also brings into question that the people overthrowing usually OT because THEY think the person in power is unfit, when they are usually just a minority of good duelists.
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Well, a few things, when it comes to farming materials, I think more places on kashyyyk so many more people will explore. I also think a system where there are NPC's that you can farm for xp. Many newer players get destroyed in the leveling game and I think a new system where its fair for them will help them to stay attached to the server.
okay, i know i've been hovering around long past my welcome, since i already left the server a while ago. my problem was the toxicity and burnout; there simply wasnt enough to do at max level besides fight people or hope that i got DC, shit like that. if there was more to do, i would've stayed.


Make it where the Troopers are playable because they literally get one hit or a couple of hits then they are dead. The trooper player base will go down in my opinion.


Well, a few things, when it comes to farming materials, I think more places on kashyyyk so many more people will explore. I also think a system where there are NPC's that you can farm for xp. Many newer players get destroyed in the leveling game and I think a new system where its fair for them will help them to stay attached to the server.
That's coming out in 4.1 or 4.2, don't remember which one


i know i practically cant play the server, and that this may already be a thing, but i think there should be more stuff to do when theres nothing going on, because to me, when there wasnt a raid or event going on, all i did was run around the cave looking for stuff, because there was really nothing else to do but duel
Alright let me begin with this. I belive the way you should release 4.0 in should be in One big update instead of small updates every now and then. I belive this would please alot of the people in this community. For example if someoe OG came back and saw oh its 3.11 or whatever they wouldnt be too excited, yet if they saw that the all mighty 4.0 in the title, they wouldnt doubt rushing on and start to play once more. Just my opinion of things, tell me what yall think of this

also i hate to say it, but told ya so about the playerrate


The reason I leave the server every so often is the fact that there's not much to do casually. You only get sent on missions every so often, material/bp farming is boring as hell, and in between major events it's just...sparring. Capture points, training, whatever you want to add, there just needs to be something to always do.


the more details you can provide the better like WHAT KINDA THINGS do you want to be doing at max level?


I'm not saying copy Icefuse, but they have some cool stuff over there, like caputre points; they give you xp, you can make them also give you money so max level players have something to do.