when REBORN wakes up


this is from december of 2018.

I like any of you enjoy the sanctity of free will and the comradery of gaining knowledge with my peers. I wish to share this knowledge with you. There is no doubt that some would seek me out, a higher power that has swooped over us like a hawk seeking a meal. There are many things outside of my control and seeing through the eyes of a Gamemaster, this world is bigger than any of us have foreseen. The Infection has seeped into the order spreading lies and deceit as much as the Jedi have failed at their duties to live and seek the truth. We can recognize injustice and disillusion in others and are quick to act against it, but I feel we have failed to do so within our own Order.

“Every bird of prey looks over its shoulder before it goes in for the kill, even a hawk. Even they know to watch their backs – every single one but an eagle. It’s fearless.”
― Michelle Horst

This will happen in times of war and peace and we must remember the code. There is no emotion, there is peace, peace comes from within and we are here to inspire peace and fight for democracy. What does it mean, democracy? if this was a true democracy then we would be able to vote for people to change their faction, name, their appearance and such. This is a republic and in it laws. The laws all have punishment for the citizens but also to defend the citizens. It seems silly that a law is there to both protect you and punish you but ultimately it is your Choice. This is what Law and Order should be about, the ability to choose and for you to deal with the consequences that come along with it.

Laws are the truth and in them wisdom, defined structures of understanding. The Code is our Law and though we may interpret it differently, it cannot be broken without consequence.

Power without responsibility breads tyrants and assembly without a just purpose breads anarchy. The Grandmaster, once again was voted from Council by members of the Jedi Council whom I entrusted the future of the Jedi Order to. This caused the council to bicker and fight amongst themselves and eventually vote to return me to the Grandmaster position. Through ignorance they all voted to do so only to have me step down from council as they were unaware of a very known rule. Shepard has placed Grandmaster Cause in the council still who still seeks to punish the past Grandmaster IROCONIAN. I have no interest in politics after this as it was the most volatile part of trying to better the Jedi Order.

I am not the Jedi I thought I was and this happening has brought me to grips with my own flaws. I draw on this experience in order to become a stronger leader. As my Master once told me, “You shouldn’t try to do a Trial to impress me based off of using the force, you should do whatever trial you believe gives you the best chance of succeeding based on your own personal skill set".

I make a lot of mistakes, but I rarely make the same mistake twice. It breeds uncertainty when we see people fall victim to the same mistakes time and time again. Looking back, I can confidently say that the worst, most destructive scenarios I’ve seen are not created by people who make honest mistakes, but by people who make the same unforced errors over and over again. We must make an effort to Learn from the past. Put another way, a single mistake, when addressed with honesty and with transparency, is rarely a death blow. We do not cover our mistakes with lies, aggression, and swift responses, as we can see the results can be catastrophic.

Witnessing another Council make matters worse for themselves and the order without prompting or reason is painful. I take no pleasure when I watch anyone suffer needlessly because of their own lack of awareness. The good news is that this experience can serve as a lesson for others. You want to operate from a position of strength. That strength doesn’t come from bullying, lying, or playing hardball. Instead, it comes from three pullars truth, humility, and patience. In the hands of a capable leader, these virtues can be powerful weapons.

Live with the truth - Master Coat
Is truth just a reflection of our best selves, do we only embrace it when we are right and someone else is wrong? Truth is not the same as virtue. Truth doesn’t discriminate between our virtues and vices. Truth simply is. Truth has no master.

When you live with the truth, you’re open about your mistakes as much as you are about your victories. Admitting to and embracing your mistakes is hard. We all do things that we’re not proud of, but covering them up is like ignoring a festering wound. You may be able to survive for a while, but eventually it will catch up with you.

Lying is a mistake no Leader should make, for their care falls on more than just them. It always makes things worse and sends you down a dangerous path where new lies must be concocted to support old lies. That sort of spiral can be draining, both physically and mentally.

Jedi must live and die in the truth. They must breathe it in and make it part of their very being. Lies are just another form of bondage, rendering you a slave to the false reality you’ve created. The truth provides a freedom and a confidence that leads to nothing other than strength. Any scenario or conflict becomes much easier to manage when you’ve been honest with yourself and those around you. Always seek the truth and be wary of those who claimed to have found it.

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”
― Oscar Wilde

Be humble - Master Yang and Master Alpharius
Why would I harbor descent in the Council? Well, it all comes down to pride and arrogance. I’ve found that some people are fundamentally incapable of exhibiting humility. Nothing is ever their fault, and they’re never in the wrong. They fight because, in their mind, they’re always right. People line up to oppose them because of this false and harmful mindset, and their lives are an unending chain of conflict.
This may be an apparent trait of mine, people have claimed so. I have, however, choose to always act in good faith, seeking truth and justice in my inquiries. I am not malicious in my efforts, just unwavering. I do not hold grudges, but I do not forget. I know there is a chance I will fail again and maybe pay the ultimate price. I choose to continue knowing I may be overpowered or outsmarted and even worse my reputation ruined.
I choose to be humble as true Humility robs others of their ability to attack you. After all, how could someone make a show of pointing out your flaws and mistakes when you’ve already beaten them to the punch? Yang taught me to defeat my enemy before i even strike by narrowing their focus, exposing themselves. I do not claim to be perfect, I did my best to surround myself with people who wanted to help the Jedi Order and make us formidable. People that took your time seriously and would always have something fun or interesting going on.
I was proud of the Jedi we created, Masters that will always be Masters of their own mind. I let my pride cloud my vision and did not see the impending doom of self-promotion. As a leader I was well respected but prideful. I entrusted my fellow Jedi, something a leader should never do so blindly. I felt the love from the order but also felt their Fear. Love is everlasting but painful, Respect is hard to grow and impossible to harvest. Fear is the cold that must be held to the fire. I learned prideful leaders have a line of people ready to kick them when they’re down.

“You have power over your mind - not outside events. Realize this, and you will find strength.”
― Marcus Aurelius


Be patient - Dark Lord Emperor Moxxi Nebi
I learned in the war against Moxxi that patience is a Jedi's greatest weapon. In the heat of the moment, tempers flare, Sabers ignite, and the temptation to act can be strong. I learned to be the last to Saber up as every step, every word and anything i did fed information to the Enemy and allowed them to calculate our moves. The less info they got the less certainty they had. I enjoyed outsmarting my opponents and my most formidable opponents fell under the blade of patience.
Exposing people's intentions allowed me to PK them without ever saying a word to them. I chose to defeat the greatest Emperors of the past, [redacted] and [redacted] by simply Existing, following the code and preparing for battle before the fight. All our victories came before we raided, before we defended, before the PK duel, it was training. Training is repeating the form until it is engrained in your brain, it becomes a part of you because you are a part of it. It took me sometime to be a wartime Council, but I evolved into an arbiter of Justice. I saw many Emperor's fall without consequence, but when the Dark Lord fell, this was the beginning of the Golden Era. There was another, Vickolas Van, but through circumstance he still stands. There cannot be light without darkness for they are on the opposite side of the same coin. You must pay for all your decisions as you learn to invest your time and efforts.

“Empty your mind, be formless, shapeless, like water. If you put water into a cup, it becomes the cup. You put water into a bottle and it becomes the bottle. You put it in a teapot it becomes the teapot. Now, water can flow or it can crash. Be water my friend.”
-Bruce Lee

We must be patient with the future of the Jedi Order. If we cannot communicate this problem then I believe it will be sometime before it is repaired. People with short tempers are often the weakest, most insecure people you’ll ever encounter. They mistake anger and rapid action for strength and competence. Ultimately, the lengths they go to in order to demonstrate their “strength” only serve to highlight their inherent weakness.
Patience is not only a skill it is a strength. Patience is our greatest weapon for time is the greatest warrior. Time defeats all and tells no lies. I hope to have empowered the Jedi to move forward with Patience as they have done for me.

Improvement can be made through patient, deliberate, and well-thought-out action.
It was an honor to have served the Jedi Order as council. I enjoyed every trial and test with the eager and willing. The most fun I have had online was watching the rebirh of the Vanguard through advanced resources and creating the Grand Archives with the Reborn Scholars.
I was guided more than I could have guided. I saw the most selfless Barsen'Thor fall because of my mistakes. I should have denied the status quo and denied the PK Duel. I should have demanded things to be awesome, but it is too late, i yield to the next generation.
Many mistakes, I have made, but I am not sorry i failed if Jedi can learn from this. If this helps with bringing our ideals to forefront of our efforts as ensure that injustice and discrimination is no longer a part of our society.
Truth, humility, and patience are powerful virtues. Together I have seen them bring you Wisdom and the ability to navigate challenges. The mistakes you make will have consequences and you should own your mistakes. Deceit, pride, and impatience represent a powerful temptation, but leaders must remember that these shortcuts always lead to ruin.

What would you do without the ability to choose? If that is taken from you, what do you have left? There is no easy way out, so you must embrace the virtues, live with the truth, and demonstrate strategic patience if you want to change the world for the better. If you do this, I believe you’ll develop the most formidable ally of all: wisdom

“A lone wolf sees the wisdom in guarding the sheep and hunting their predators.”
― T.F. Hodge

And ofcourse Tolstoy
“Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.”
― Leo Tolstoy

I am gracious for your lesson REBORN, may the Force be with you.


Can someone TL : DR this am too lazy
Council thought i was gonna go DC and didnt wanna look like idiots.

exiled: thought to be a spy (never spied, Shep was grandmaster at the time, no trial just escorts)
removed from Grandmaster: the defining reason for the demotion is because I admitted to a Gray that I had "darkness" inside of me.
hunted to be PKd: while in the middle of skirmish on Kashyyk, shadows came to escort me to council
hunted to be PKd: did a /me finds listening device (in a court room) while roleplaying a search of Council quarters for a court case of a jedi consistently robbing council members