Xar's First Gamemaster Application

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Steam name:
Steam ID:
Ingame name(s):
Jedi: Shadow Of The Order Xar Kenobi
Current play time:
About 2-3 months within this community.
Time in Garry’s Mod:
6700 Hours totally on two accounts.
Amount of warns:

Previous Gamemaster/Event making Experience:
Most of my event making experience came from IceFuze networks and MVG. I was mostly doing heavy RP events, like some were CIS and campaigns. I was taught how to work with each other when making events, and just how much it affected the event. For the most time i was doing events with stories implemented into them. I usually don't have document on how the event should start or end, I think those are up for the players to decide. My first months were hard as being an event host, but eventually with good mentors and training i got do to some good quality events.
Unfortunately i didn't get that much experience from IceFuse due to that only high ranking people could host events, so i was mostly an event enemy or just assisting with setting up enemy players.
IceFuse Networks Trial-Mod (Clone-Wars), MVG Admin & Near Reality Gaming (DarkRP) Mod
Time as position:
My position in IceFuse networks lasted about 1-2 months, and then i resigned due to complication within the community. MVG was about 1 Year, I served as an admin and did both staff calls usually and events. NRG Dark RP - About Half a year until it shut down

(Check off the answer you choose with a “x”.)

Would you consider yourself an good builder?
[X] yes
[ ] no

Experience with Garry’s Mod construction and NPC control:
Yeah, i have learned how to use the basic Gmod tools like stacker, weld and duplicate. And usually so that my events would work, i would use duplicates that i have made. I also understand NPC control.

Are you able to create a cohesive story?
[X] yes
[ ] no

Experience with the creation of storylines, and knowledge of star wars lore:
I have quite a bit of past experience with Star Wars Lore. I have read quite a few comics, and the once that interest me the most are either, from the empire era or thousands of years before the Clone Wars. I have also watched the entire clone wars CGI series and the movies, so i am pretty much up to date, but most of my knowledge comes from the comic books.

Have you ever assisted in an event on Reborn in the past?
[X] yes
[ ] no
If so how many times?

Can you work well with others to plan and execute an event?
[X ] yes
[ ] no

As a game master what do you desire to do? (ie: Build, create story, etc.):
My biggest desire in being a grand master, is to feel like when they play in my events they are like in a movie. All i really want is so other people would like and have something positive towards my events. Also i'd like to become better at creating good storylines that follows up with different situations. But it's mostly that i get to give other people some fun and make the community a friendlier and a good place to hang out with others.

Plan an event (story based or building based):
Shards of the past. Thousands of years before our era, there were the emperors whom have just ascended from being dark Jedi. It was a time even before lightsabers existed, when the force was pure. There was a dark council of three seats, and it was called ''The rule of three''. They all made their decisions all with each other. The sith empire rose to be one of the greatest and strongest sith orders in the galaxy. But then came the hundred years of darkness, two of the emperors were decapitated after loosing the war, and one of them looked inside a tomb in the depths of Korriban.

After thousands of generations he was kept secret, until one of the sorcerers found out his presence. The sorcerer was filled with greed, so he went to the old sith emperors tomb and opened it. The second he opened the tomb, he was blasted into oblivion, the emperor has awoken. His presence was felt by many force sensetives and even manipulated acolytes. The old sith emperor has mastered sith alchemy and the pure side of the force.

The old emperor leaves his tomb and heads to the planet of Kashyyyk, over there he tries to resurrect one of his fallen sith emperors. The Jedi order and the sith are working togheter on taking this emperor down. For his power, he will kill everyone without fail. So while he's distracted, the jedi or sith had to grab the amethyst of the ancient to gain enough power to defeat him.

[Path 1]:
The person with the amethyst manages to kill the emperor. The person get's the soul and power of the emperor into his own hands and can either try to ressists it's power or attack everyone else. And from then on he/she can decide to kill everyone or not (But the Jedi and Sith might kill him). After that, the amethyst has been used up and it creates a powerful burst which makes everyone who used it disapear.

[Path 2]:
The person with the amethyst doesn't manage to kill the emperor and he becomes way more powerful. Powerful enough to resurect his other 2 Emperor's. They then start to massacare everyone, and the jedi and sith have no other choice but to retreat. Now the event has become three times harder, and the emperor's head to a abandoned sith capital ship. From there they take control of a army of posesed troppers and start their empire again. They try to suck out their power from a source of a star, so they can develop a weapon that is capable to destroys galaxies. Now the Sith & Jedi fight they way trough the corrupted emperors troopers and manage to get to the throne room. In there sits all of them three. One if them is an expert with the force and another a skilled duelist. The Sith and Jedi manages to eliminate them and head into the final boss room. There he sits, the corrupted emperor. In that room is laser beam machine that is extracted from the power of the emperors star.
One of the Jedi or Sith takes has to take control of it and hits the emperor directly. He is greatly weak now and he get's defeated. The big capital ship explodes and sith and Jedi make it out alive.

Note: I usually have multiple ways of finishing my events, like the paths listed above. But if they were to get too complicated i would switch things up and make it easier for the players to understand, and to have a good experience.
Event Over

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on Gamemasters

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, Xar, have permission from IROCONIAN to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any Gamemaster position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated): One of the most major things will be that i am a EU player, so i am mostly on when the half other of the server is in school. So i am just trying to make it that EU players also have a chance of getting items that the US players have. And also by doing that, the server will be popular in the EU timezones.
I do have quite a few of past experience with me being an event maker and i usually help people who makes events alongside me.
But i don't think it's that important that someone you need to qualify more than others, what matters the most is the teamwork we would do as a team and with each other.

Note: Gamemaster are not administrative staff. Gamemaster should not use their powers for anything besides their events. Unless instructed to do other wise by Head Admin +.
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+1 good person, never really minges if any at all, at least i havent seen. He is on usually in the mornings at least for me when no one is really on and so he can create events for the few people on at the time towards when it gets to uptime
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+2, he helped me with an event before, listened to everything I said, had fun, and kept it cool when under pressure. Great guy
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I have not seen you on a server, but if what Redicule says is true then you should get a mic. +2 if you do end up getting one


+1 Get a mic Doe take it from someone who used to run events here before gamemasters were a thing its a piece of shit to type it cuss NO One listens if you cant tell a staff member or fellow gm with a mic what youw ant to say and ask them if they can for you ^^
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