Dwyane Report

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Tbh, I am going to -1 even though I fucking love Dwayne, Shawn told him to stop multiple times and Dwayne said "I am taking over the event" phygunned Shawn out of his own event and phygunned Pallox through the floor. Oil killed him after Shawn shot Dwayne to 300hp signifying that wasn't really RDM. I think Dwayne was just trying to have fun and overstepped his bounds and if he properly apologizes it will be fine. His actions were a bit childish but he didn't know he was ruining anyone's day. Just tell Dwayne to stop being a fucking twat and he will stop if you yell at him or tell him in admin chat. And we all know Shawn you act a bit nice to actually say that to a SA.


this is like the 6th time this has happened with dwayne, regardless of how you people want to view this this is clear and obvious abuse. If this was any other staff member they would be castrated for this.
Hmmm, its a tricky situation indeed. I will say, Oil had no right to kill Dwayne, he is just a player. I do belive that Shawn should of just asked Dwayne to chill a bit instead of shooting him, though I understand why Shawn did. People use those guns a lot for both serious and mingy behavior so sometimes it may be hard to tell for which reason its being used. Now, when it comes to higher ups, like SA+, situations surrounding them are handled diffrently, they just are. It was Shawns event, so Dwayne could of been a bit more respectful for sure and he didnt need to phsygun Shawn. It was a bit unneeded, they could of just talked it out.


+1 Its no secret that me and Dwayne don't like each other. But I will give my input on this.

I don't think its fair to just say because he's SA it's ok for him to have a little fun. If anyone else abused and essentially disrupted/ruined an entire gm's event they would be under a lot of pressure. If anyone else did that they would be fucking crucified.

Not only that but as Shepard said this isn't the first time something like this has happened. SA had been lacking since before the community meeting and Id agree and say they've definitely done a much better job to try and prove that they are still working hard to help the community. Although when you are barely making the time to get on and this is what you do it doesn't look so good. Especially when there have been multiple instances that have required discipline.

Honestly, the major Issue I see in this situation is an EGO, acting as if he is above and better then everyone. Yes, he is a SA and outranks them but it doesn't mean he gets to just shit on their event and completely disrupt it. This just feels like because he's SA he believes he doesn't have to respect other people below him in rank, and unfortunately, it doesn't even seem like he respects higher ranks at times.

Dwayne especially as a SA has been extremely argumentative and confronting even to Shepard more than anyone. I feel like its a lack of self-control and seems to be an EGO problem. Also, of course, the SA should be able to argue or try and convince Shepard, but at least do it privately, there have been some instances in which he's publicly argued or complained about issues that needed to be private. This is bad PR and makes Shepard and the SA look bad.

When you're a SA you have to be a role model, you represent the entire servers administrative team. SA's should be the most mature and respectful staff. Minging as a SA is just bad PR for the entire server, and the servers already had enough of that lately.
NEUTRAL. Like Borderlands 2 there is no good side in this situation. Dwayne shouldn't have abused, Shawn should have told him to be quiet, and Oil shouldn't have killed him. In my opinion, Staff and Gamemasters shouldn't kill players on the spot for talking during a PTS. The GM or Staff member should give the player a warning first, and if the player talks again then kick them out of your event. Dwayne, be a bit more respectful in events when a GM or Staff member is trying to explain the rules of the event. Shawn, try to figure out how to upload the twitch video so that we can see what actually happened when this all took place. This is just my opinion, not trying to be hard on anyone.


this is like the 6th time this has happened with dwayne, regardless of how you people want to view this this is clear and obvious abuse. If this was any other staff member they would be castrated for this.
then castrate?


NEUTRAL. Like Borderlands 2 there is no good side in this situation. Dwayne shouldn't have abused, Shawn should have told him to be quiet, and Oil shouldn't have killed him. In my opinion, Staff and Gamemasters shouldn't kill players on the spot for talking during a PTS. The GM or Staff member should give the player a warning first, and if the player talks again then kick them out of your event. Dwayne, be a bit more respectful in events when a GM or Staff member is trying to explain the rules of the event. Shawn, try to figure out how to upload the twitch video so that we can see what actually happened when this all took place. This is just my opinion, not trying to be hard on anyone.

He warned dwayne to stop talking tho.... dwayne didnt listen, he physgun abused shawn more than 1 time and still kept talking.


+1 Some sort of action should be taken, its not right for someone this high rank to do shit like this and go unpunished


So to reiterate, this is over me talking, physgunning someone out because they were raising their voice at me, me ignoring a pts because questions were asked, and me joking saying I'm taking over the event? Cuz God knows I dont want his events.... Got it just making sure. Oh and Oils warn which I've told Oil isn't real, but you seem to try and make that apart of your problem......


Seeing as it was about 1am for this event and not a terrible amount of people on, your request for PTS was quite pitiful especially since the event wasn't officially ready to be explained and started until 10 minutes after the warp opened. You yelling at me telling me you're going to kill me and that I'm ruining the event by talking is quite amusing, seeing as I wasn't the only one talking and we were all just having a good time (except for you for some reason.) I don't know if this occurred to you but you are a gamemaster yes and you have control over regular players yes, I stayed quite during your rule explanations whenever you needed to do those but in reality, you want to threaten me or try to just be outright power hungry by stating a pts rule that is not needed especially when there were not even 15 people in the raid, most without mics because they were level 50 and under. So when you began to raise your voice at me for talking to some random jedi padawan, I threw you out of the dupe because of it, Simply put, I am interacting with the community especially since many of them have questions, you are a gamemaster, If I wish to tell people your PTS rule is overridden because of the nonsense it makes to have on at the time, you'll listen.

Side note: Oil never messaged me or complained to me about the warn, so therefore he obviously knows why it's there.

Your claiming he's trying to "flex" his power and is acting power hungry by putting a PTS rule ???? You said and these are direct quotes "Simply put, I am interacting with the community especially since many of them have questions, you are a gamemaster, If I wish to tell people your PTS rule is overridden because of the nonsense it makes to have on at the time, you'll listen." Holy fuck dude you just flexed your power harder than my dick . "If I wish to tell people your PTS rule is overridden because of the nonsense it makes to have on at the time, you'll listen." You have no respect for GM's at all, we put PTS because when its not there NO BODY LISTENS, when its there SOME PEOPLE LISTEN. You have been here long as fuck you should know how the community runs and how the people act when there is no actually PTS enabled at the start.

"I don't know if this occurred to you but you are a gamemaster yes and you have control over regular players yes" Next quote, more flexing of your power. Control of "Regular Players", You would think someone your rank would respect the GM's when they try to do events, ignoring them, taunting them, abusing them is something a mingy player would do if they had access to power.

"most without mics because they were level 50 and under." Just cause people are below level 50 doesn't mean they don't have a mic ffs.

"So when you began to raise your voice at me for talking to some random jedi padawan, I threw you out of the dupe because of it" Raising his voice because you didn't listen at all . He host an event for what , so you can talk to a padawan for an hour ?? No, he hosted an even to give the players something RP to do , not sit around and socialize for as long as they want. Thats for the community center is for. Oh hey a GM is telling me to stop talking because of a PTS rule , let me pull out my physgun because im a higher rank and want to abuse people and then claim they are power hungry really quick.

It's sickening how one track minded you are about this whole thing, if you warned oil as a joke why didn't you remove it?

Also to those saying he should be allowed to have "fun". At who's expense does he get to have fun, he gets abused in his own event because of something he set up to prevent exactly what dwyane was doing. Would check how much time he has played gmod in past 2 weeks but thats on private, guarantee its less than 40 , fuck maybe even less then 20.

Final point is that you were given power because you earned it yea? Then don't fucking abuse it, having SA is a privilege not a right. IDK why any of you think its ok for people to abuse their power, every community some reason always has some stupid soft spot for higher ranks abusing to make them think they can do it.


Dwyane if you would like to take my points and restate them with your side go ahead , but this is what im currently reading through when I saw the paragraph


At this point all I want is Dwayne to recognize he could have AT LEAST handled the situation better.


Your claiming he's trying to "flex" his power and is acting power hungry by putting a PTS rule ???? You said and these are direct quotes "Simply put, I am interacting with the community especially since many of them have questions, you are a gamemaster, If I wish to tell people your PTS rule is overridden because of the nonsense it makes to have on at the time, you'll listen." Holy fuck dude you just flexed your power harder than my dick . "If I wish to tell people your PTS rule is overridden because of the nonsense it makes to have on at the time, you'll listen." You have no respect for GM's at all, we put PTS because when its not there NO BODY LISTENS, when its there SOME PEOPLE LISTEN. You have been here long as fuck you should know how the community runs and how the people act when there is no actually PTS enabled at the start.

"I don't know if this occurred to you but you are a gamemaster yes and you have control over regular players yes" Next quote, more flexing of your power. Control of "Regular Players", You would think someone your rank would respect the GM's when they try to do events, ignoring them, taunting them, abusing them is something a mingy player would do if they had access to power.

"most without mics because they were level 50 and under." Just cause people are below level 50 doesn't mean they don't have a mic ffs.

"So when you began to raise your voice at me for talking to some random jedi padawan, I threw you out of the dupe because of it" Raising his voice because you didn't listen at all . He host an event for what , so you can talk to a padawan for an hour ?? No, he hosted an even to give the players something RP to do , not sit around and socialize for as long as they want. Thats for the community center is for. Oh hey a GM is telling me to stop talking because of a PTS rule , let me pull out my physgun because im a higher rank and want to abuse people and then claim they are power hungry really quick.

It's sickening how one track minded you are about this whole thing, if you warned oil as a joke why didn't you remove it?

Also to those saying he should be allowed to have "fun". At who's expense does he get to have fun, he gets abused in his own event because of something he set up to prevent exactly what dwyane was doing. Would check how much time he has played gmod in past 2 weeks but thats on private, guarantee its less than 40 , fuck maybe even less then 20.

Final point is that you were given power because you earned it yea? Then don't fucking abuse it, having SA is a privilege not a right. IDK why any of you think its ok for people to abuse their power, every community some reason always has some stupid soft spot for higher ranks abusing to make them think they can do it.
Alright boys, seems like we’re in for the long haul
Define Abuse:
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse

1. Refer to my post in Issues with Staff for my opinion on that
2. The respect goes both ways, why should he respect you when you have never respect him and you just call him out on the forums and you decide to not just solve it in a civil conversation, this would’ve gone one million times better if it was just a conversations with you, Shawn, Dwayne, Shepard and miles in a TS channel, CIVILLY talking.
3. Have you put the thought through your head that he could’ve been explaining to the Pasadena that Shawn did not explain to him and was actually trying to get someone to stay on the server? Maybe Shawn was ignoring the Padawan’s question because he was a low level and Dwayne was tending to the new? I also don’t understand using a physgun as power hungry?
4. Joke warns have been around for a long fucking time, I know of a few people that have been warned by Moxxi for meme shit and just because it’s there doesn’t mean it turns him into a felon just as we just saw, his warn will be removed whenever possible and that is fixed. Oil did what he was supposed to do, talked to Dwayne directly and civilly and got shit done instead of creating drama.
5. Yo, Dwayne is an adult he can’t no life the server like you and rack up his 200 hours per two weeks. Dwayne isn’t the only staff member with low hours and I know for a fact a few of the staff members just keep Garry’s Mod open so their activity looks good.
6. “every community some reason always has some stupid soft spot for higher ranks abusing to make them think they can do it.” That is dumbest thing I’ve heard all day. Maybe he’s in that high spot because of his dedication to the server BEFORE YOUR ASS GOT HERE. He was here with the sever during the good times and the hard times. He went through the hard times with the founders helping them keep the server on the right track, a time in which if you were going through, you probably would’ve quit.
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