An Examination of Today's Jedi Events

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anytime vehicles spawn in for event i see in ad ooc comms and @
"i want a vehicle fair ...." then certain people will say you cant do that. that is all i hear. i follow the rules and do my best to create a fun environment. we have not been removing people from events and just letting them vent and play. we did police people if they did not wabt to play ball.

pretty clear this is a few people trying ti start something. the old fakeflex.

the maul event was two bosses go to korriban then tython to raid the vault. we ended in a raid/boss fight in the skybox with a 250prop dupe. yes they had 100k hp otherwise nobody would fight them. I admit we didnt RP it up as much with Jedi as Archer was the only one to take the lead on ir and basically said no negotiations "not gonna let you just come here and we help you." when the two mauls appeared they were not hostile and only kept asking about a saber hilt of great power. i had one go to the jc to distrsct ans they blocked his way at that point he sabered up along with ROCKY they were there all of (EDIT: 10 minutes including RP) and yes they are good fighters so Jedi tried hard to kill and almost did kill ROCKY at 6500hp. i reset his health to 100k and we left the planet within a minute. Honestly i think in 5 minutes the bosses and the third sneaky one who torched the library killed maybe 20+ Jedi and masters were merking paddies in moshpits.

after going to both planets and sith mostly RP. the event warp was open and they fought through the duel of fates from episode 1. all players were defeated as 1. did no team work against the two bosses.(divide and conquer) 2. would just afk on platforms.

everyone was saying they liked the dupe and had fun fighting two mauls at once but there were a few people even Kyle Kubrin who were flaming chat.

if you are in events for money that is all good, but it should be about fun and not flexing on people constantly.

so in the past week i was accused of
targeting people as a boss
unfairly bringing people back
spawning legendarys for people
admin abuse

"it is just xp for the bosses"(although we were all at 255)

i like the conspiracy though. keeps it interesting and i would expect nothing less from REBORN

GMs will discuss in the meeting. we have a clear guideline on what we can and cannot do. it is all centered around fun.

Yes i killed the the middle of a boss battle...the trainer takes him yea....equivalent to doing so in a raid....not a bright all

and i would even go so far as to say this guy is smarter than he is letting on and really really wanted that to happen.

Edit: @Laviana



You saying that you left the next minute after you set your hp is bullshit, you were there for Atleast another 10 minutes attacking people, also there were 3 mauls running around, not 2. You call these conspiracy theories to try and push blame away from yourself, you say that t was in the middle of the fight, which again is bullshit. We were off on the warp pad going over RT bunks and the fighting was taking place at the temple steps. You intentionally leaped over and chased down the initiate then when he was dead, attacked me. I talked to another of your bosses about you chasing down initiateswho told me that “Iroc said to attack everyone” in a pm (not exact wording because I can’t remember, but it was in chat so you can find the log) We are not talking about the boss fight which is what you seem to be pushing on. We are talking about when you came to Tython and just killed everybody over and over again until they sat in spawns and waited for you to get bored. You never went near the library like you said the goal of the raids was, you cloaked, used the tool gun to create flames, and then just fought on the other side of the planet, there were no /me, it was all just attacking until you got bored. And I totally wanted you to just repeatedly kill a new player and then them quit out of boredom. Definitely what a trainer does 🤔


We were literally in a place with nobody else, you for eleaped over to us, heavies is, and then just kept chasing the initiate after I was yelling after you that he was training. The whole event should have never even happened in the first place, people were pissed, you should have read criticism in ooc


you are a big fat liar

you twist the truth a little at a time till it rolls backwards


We were literally in a place with nobody else, you for eleaped over to us, heavies is, and then just kept chasing the initiate after I was yelling after you that he was training. The whole event should have never even happened in the first place, people were pissed, you should have read criticism in ooc

twisting the truth

you are not the kind of person i enjoy playing with

you are toxic and do not see you ever have fun on the server


Whatever you say, nobody was recording it, can’t back it up, but you know the truth and choose what to do with it.
Whatever you say, nobody was recording it, can’t back it up, but you know the truth and choose what to do with it.
Whatever you say, nobody was recording it, can’t back it up, but you know the truth and choose what to do with it.


enjoy enslaving your facts

thanks for wasting time, as Mack had a legit gripe and you turned it into a hate on iroc
I had a dislike about your event, you started turning the blame to “wah wah people don’t like me” I do not have a problem with you, never tried to turn this to a hate on Iroc

Rde Ren

so this morning there was another event but this time the boss wanted to talk about why he was here, low and behold the jedi kept fighting and were being toxic killing eachother. They didnt even give the boss a chance.


tbh it's just 1 god damn event chill the hell out I've seen events 100 times worse then this on other servers and no one cried as much as you guys do and the more this goes on the worse it will get, stay civil and debate appropriately


I apologize on behalf of the GM team, i'm sure they tried their hardest to make it entertaining for everyone, but went a bit overboard making it fun for themselves as well.
My opinion on the situation is that the GMs are in the wrong, however I would prefer we don't keep this thread going any longer, so unless you have more information on what happen I would appreciate we keep this thread quiet.
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