anzati's Ban Appeal.

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Steam Name and In-Game Name:
anzati || anzati (cant remember my ingame rp name and rank stuff anymore)


Jedi Vs Sith

Banning Staff:

Reason for Ban:
"no reason" (but there's more, I did a lot of shit over time to build up this ban, what finished it was I heavy'd Maven after he was appointed into Emperor)

Ban Time:
Permanently ban.

What did you do?:
After my build up of many things done around the server, from little to big, from a warning to a couple of bans. I have done many things that I should not of but I did them anyway. I was later told that I wasn't banned because I followed the rules, it's because of how I broke them constantly, every day, every week, every month. Here I am constantly racking up warns and bans like they were medals of kills in WWII. Never good but they always seemed to impress some and disappoint others.

Why you should be unbanned:
I know I have made many mistakes not only in life but on this server, gmod, any games I play. I do them without realizing what I have done. I have pushed this too far. After my permaban, I decided it would be a good idea to start something new. We did, it was a bad idea. I mean it worked but I shouldn't have done that. I do not always think about coming back to Reborn but when I do I miss the shit out of it. From the player base to the staff team. I am known as a very toxic little boy, and not gonna lie, I am. People may not want my toxicity back into the server but when I come back after my break from the server I realized. I don't get on the server to be toxic, I get on the server to chill from real life for a couple of minutes or hours. Reborn has always been a fun experience for me and anyone around me. The final statement from rambling on, I believe I should be unbanned because after my couple weeks/ months off of Reborn I have realized how much fun this server is and I don't want to lose that, I want to stay a part of this community, I will try my best to not be as toxic as I used to be.
Thank you all forever talking to me in the struggle of anything in life.
(Btw that WWII joke was actually pretty smart I liked it a lot)


+1 I didn't agree with your ban in the first place though, I can understand the argument for a timeout. You have been quite toxic but I think you're more good than bad. Good luck ^_^

Rde Ren

+1 I kinda wanna see how this goes. If he still is toxic and gets permad, it is his fault. Hope to see you again anzati.

Anzati, I'll be 100% honest. I dislike you. I think you're toxic and annoying, but that's a few months ago. The fact that you realized your mistakes in the past and have been at least trying to change for the better says a lot about how much you like playing with this community. This is a good appeal for your ban.
+2, Anzati you have really learned to crawl up peoples nerves and just agitate the living hell out of them... But you always seem to know how to also make light of bad situations. We have done a lot of shit together over the couple months I've known you. I think that you could deserve one more chance on reborn. People change, maybe you will too.
Hope you aren't as toxic as you use to be. Saw you on a certain server every now and then and you were being pretty chill.
Well written and didn't agree with the ban at all(Regardless of any bias/opinions I have). That being said, I was forced to bring up something to staff in terms of one of your colleagues. After punishment was dealt, we were both playing on another game in the same server. I typed in chat to ask a general question with no direction at you and you responded "Get out Boi" & "By the way no one ever invited you to _______ or ever wanted you here"(The last statement is in reference to the aforementioned infraction). Neither of these comments are in themselves justification for me to minus 1 you, but the immaturity both in your character and intent were well shown. I can't vouch for you since then because a few weeks have passed since the incident, but if you're going to be coming back then I hope you've grown in some way from the time we last spoke.
Well written and didn't agree with the ban at all(Regardless of any bias/opinions I have). That being said, I was forced to bring up something to staff in terms of one of your colleagues. After punishment was dealt, we were both playing on another game in the same server. I typed in chat to ask a general question with no direction at you and you responded "Get out Boi" & "By the way no one ever invited you to _______ or ever wanted you here"(The last statement is in reference to the aforementioned infraction). Neither of these comments are in themselves justification for me to minus 1 you, but the immaturity both in your character and intent were well shown. I can't vouch for you since then because a few weeks have passed since the incident, but if you're going to be coming back then I hope you've grown in some way from the time we last spoke.
Sorry for this, but I did not think something from another server would transfer over.
-2 You guys hacked on reborn I know you did for a fact, Moxxi told me you guys went on a server (TTT) and spin botted to prove it.

Do I have proof no Moxxi is no longer on my friends list but I was good friends with Moxxi and he told me that, we never had a falling out I never went on the other server and you can deny this. but I know you legit spin botted on Tat used esp to find dwayne and etc. If I had proof I would show it but I have no reason to lie we've never been friends and thats why Moxxi wouldn't tell me at first but then he told me because I noticed your aim on tat one day. Overall I think its best if you dont come back to the community.

Why didnt I tell anyone because I was like I said good friends with Moxxi. You should stay perma'd and we both know it.


I have zero reason to lie about this.

Also I might as well just say everything about all the stupid shit you did. Rasict shit all the time in a private channel. using a command bot to spam the tat gamble things, and overall youre just toxic asf towards a lot of people dont see why people would give you your 80th chance Youre ridiculous.
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-2 You guys hacked on reborn I know you did for a fact, Moxxi told me you guys went on a server (TTT) and spin botted to prove it.

Do I have proof no Moxxi is no longer on my friends list but I was good friends with Moxxi and he told me that, we never had a falling out I never went on the other server and you can deny this. but I know you legit spin botted on Tat used esp to find dwayne and etc. If I had proof I would show it but I have no reason to lie we've never been friends and thats why Moxxi wouldn't tell me at first but then he told me because I noticed your aim on tat one day. Overall I think its best if you dont come back to the community.

Why didnt I tell anyone because I was like I said good friends with Moxxi. You should stay perma'd and we both know it.


I have zero reason to lie about this.

Also I might as well just say everything about all the stupid shit you did. Rasict shit all the time in a private channel. using a command bot to spam the tat gamble things, and overall youre just toxic asf towards a lot of people dont see why people would give you your 80th chance Youre ridiculous.
-2 You guys hacked on reborn I know you did for a fact, Moxxi told me you guys went on a server (TTT) and spin botted to prove it.

Do I have proof no Moxxi is no longer on my friends list but I was good friends with Moxxi and he told me that, we never had a falling out I never went on the other server and you can deny this. but I know you legit spin botted on Tat used esp to find dwayne and etc. If I had proof I would show it but I have no reason to lie we've never been friends and thats why Moxxi wouldn't tell me at first but then he told me because I noticed your aim on tat one day. Overall I think its best if you dont come back to the community.

Why didnt I tell anyone because I was like I said good friends with Moxxi. You should stay perma'd and we both know it.


I have zero reason to lie about this.

Also I might as well just say everything about all the stupid shit you did. Rasict shit all the time in a private channel. using a command bot to spam the tat gamble things, and overall youre just toxic asf towards a lot of people dont see why people would give you your 80th chance Youre ridiculous.
damm i see how it is. And never spin botted btw, also the afk machine thing was allowed at the time and I only did it for 20 mins when I went to walk my dog. I used to be toxic, the whole point of this post. Also, racist shit in private channels in DIFFERENT servers would be allowed since I'm not in with reborn. And my 80th chance? I've been gone for a while now so I think it would be a diffrent story.
Now back to that spinbot bullshit, I have only ESP'd as a joke on other TTT servers which is irrelevent. Also in web console it'll say something about "anzati enabling sv_luacl whatever clientside".


Primi, you have no room to talk with racism in private channel and other servers.

Otherwise, Anzati, why not unban you, just stop being toxic. +1
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