App for the S T A F F

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Staff Application

Player Information:

Your name:
Your steamID: STEAM_1:0:202581002
Your current rank: Darth Maguku, Master Maguku Marek
Amount of Warns: 20 none active (haven’t been warned in like 6 months)

Player's Server Information:

Rank you are applying for:
Total time with the community (months): 1 year (12 month’s)
Current level within the server: 255

Administration Availability:

What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.):
I’m available 4 PM to about 10 PM
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): I can be on most of the day during weekends unless I have plans with friends

Previous Administrative Experience:

Server(s): Exhibition RP
Position(s): Senior Admin
Time as position(s): 8 Months
Brief overview of the position(s):
As Senior admin I would take sits and try my best to keep the players satisfied and resolve any issues that may of occurred between both parties. I would also train any of the new staff members by showing them how to take a sit properly and how to use basic admin commands to make their job easy and so they can somewhat enjoy their staff experience. I would also deal with my small group to make sure they are not having any troubles along with answering any questions they have about the rules or players.

Server(s): Mirror Zombie RP
Position(s): Admin
Time as position(s): 5 Months
Brief overview of the position(s):
As admin on this server you would just do the regular like take sits and solve any issues between players but also have to watch over the players and make sure they are not breaking rules or exploiting any of the bosses that were available at the time

User Administrative Agreement:

By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [Maguku], have permission from [S H E P A R D] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

Player Interview:

Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated):

I believe I can bring multiple valuable traits to the staff team, such as having the ability to adapt to the situation with speed, my can-do attitude, my knowledge of the rules, previous staffing experience, and persistence. I also have a very advanced knowledge of the commands that would assist me in staffing. I want to become more involved with the server and help others have a great experience on the server like I have had. Mods are a very important part of a server. Just how important good staff are as they keep the balance and make sure the rules are upheld. I want to do my best to give back to the server in any way I can and I feel like this would be the most appropriate way for me to do so with the attributes and skills that I have. I am very lenient when it comes to situations involving two players and I will try my hardest to solve the issue where it leaves both parties happy. I would be able to help out the server as a whole if allowed to use the tools given to a Moderator to do their job effectively. I sometimes see there are not enough staff on at certain times or not enough staff when looking at the ratio between staff and players. So I want to help make the staff team strong with one extra person there to share the load around. If I was given staff on this server it would also be a great chance to enhance my knowledge on how to staff as I'm always looking for ways to improve.
+1 he has changed a bit lately and for the better. Having more Staff on the server would help us out a lot more, so let's get this


+2 Good guy has changed in the past few months and is extremely active. Also one of his warns if not deleted is from a test from me.


+2 honestly I was just promoted to my srmod trials so anything goes I guess, I say give him a shot
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