Arata's Staff Application 2.0

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Just Some Quick Information
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Player Information

Your name: Arata Winters
Your steamID: STEAM_0:1:90721302
Your current rank: G-VIP, Jedi Master, ST SSGT, IT Pvt
Amount of Warns: 1

Player's Server Information

Rank you are applying for: Trial Moderator
Total time with the community (months): 4,
Current level within the server: 185 , 187, 190 We Finally Did It!

Administration Availability

What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): Mondays/Thursdays/Fridays I can get on from 5:00pm-10:00 pm, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I can get on from 3:00pm-10:00 pm
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 10:00am-12:00pm or 1:00am

Previous Administrative Experience

Server(s): Definitive Networks (CvR) | Gangster City (Dark RP) Its Alive Gaming (Death Run) | Redacted Networks (CWRP) | Void Sanctuary Gaming (VSG)
Position(s): Admin | Super Admin | Moderator | Senior Mod
Time as position(s): 2 months | 1 month (Died Out) | 2 weeks (Died out sadly) | 1 month (Died Out) | 1 month just closes and opens
A brief overview of the position(s):

Definitive Networks (Admin): So while I was an Admin on Definitive Networks I had acted mainly as a trail manager of sorts as I had still helped with the staff sits but I had also had the responsibilities of reviewing the staff apps to make sure that the right applicants got into the staff team and another big responsibility I had on that server was to train the new and upcoming staff that were on the server and to make sure that they knew how to take staff sits properly how the chain of command works and how staff meetings work. One of the last minor things that I learned about being staff on DEFN is responding to staff tickets fast as most of the time the other staff and I would race each other to see who would be able to take the staff sits the fastest and sometimes we would even try to see who could get the most hours in a week being on the SOD job.

Gangster City (Superadmin): My duty as a Superadmin on the server was very similar to the duty as a server manager as I would look through the applications giving my honest opinion about them and while also training the new staff that came in but at the same making sure that the current staff team wasn’t abusing and that they were doing their jobs properly.

It's Alive Gaming (Moderator): So my experience on Its Alive Gaming (IAG) was definitely one of the less energy/ time-consuming staff positions as it allowed me to still be a normal player while at the same I dealt with people that were being toxic, trying to advertise, or just harassing others and trying to make sure people had a fun time and didn’t get too mad.

Redacted Networks (Senior Mod): So my staffing experience on Redacted Networks was like a lot of normal staffing experiences on SWRP servers as an Admin I would go check up on the forums checked in to see that all of the lower ranking staff were ok and got everything under control as this was a younger server I had still helped take staff sits and I even helped right up the rules of the server, making an administration guide. (Here is a link to the Staff Guide I made:

Void Sanctuary Gaming (Moderator): So my time as a Moderator on VSG was a bit of a weird experience mainly because it never really got popular and the Owner or any other high staff were never on so I always took a big bulk of the staff tickets while also managing the RP on the server so that experience really taught me a lot about listening to what the players want and how to keep players engaged in a server despite a lack of updates.

User Administrative Agreement

By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of the requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff


User Permission Clause

By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [Name Here], have permission from [Head Admin+] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

[X] (Perms From Shepard)
Player Interview

Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated):

So I personally believe that I should get staff on Reborn Gaming for a multitude of reasons but with some of the biggest reasons being that I have the time to be extremely active (I really have no life), I am active in the discord and semi-active in the Teamspeak, and I feel like I have gotten to know the community better and hang out with people and I have been able to even start an RP family within the server. Going back to about being active in the Discord/TS while I am not as active in the Teamspeak as much as I am in the discord I think that it is as good to be active in the discord as I know there are a lot of the more casual player base that does like to hang out in the Discord and even sometimes a lot of the people ask for help from staff in the Discord, because I am also active on the discord I have and will be there for people that have had problems about loading into the server because that's where a lot of people report their problems and the last final thing that happens a lot in the discord is there are a lot of suggestions and I always think that it is a good thing to have a different point of view on the suggestions and I don’t really staff respond to suggestions that much in the discord so I could provide players with a staff perspective on their suggestion and how it would affect the staff. So when it comes from the last time I had applied for staff I feel as if I have been able to clear up my name a bit get my name in the community and clear up some past issues with people and I have been on my self more about how I talk to other people in the community and hopefully I think everyone else views me as a good pick for staff as I personally have really enjoyed my experience on the server and I am dedicated to getting staff no matter the cost.
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+1 i believe that u have a lil more than enough server staff experience to handle being a trial mod, plus i do appreciate the amount of effort put into this app

P.S. i recommend u shud just bold the entire app format and whatever u type for your app shud be in a regular font
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