Bring Back Endor?


Endor was the best planet it, it was compact but it had several different tiers so it felt big. I had some of my favorite moments on Endor. Also make it the one that has the secret room pls @Shepard


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I shall learn how to map and make a bunch of planets with high rates of use and not a few large empty ones!

Or so I will try.

I’d make a small korriban and tython (small low detail) and then have Dromund Kaas and Coresant as larger more detailed ones.

Then have a tatooine (medium to large) and Endor (the old one with dark tunnels) and illum. Maybe even add Nar Shaada.

Aka make a lot of rp planets all semi small to medium to allow more variety.

I shall start learning after my May production quota starts.

Or do what we did with sagas and have each faction have their collection of planets to a server of their own and a server of neutral.
I shall learn how to map and make a bunch of planets with high rates of use and not a few large empty ones!

Or so I will try.

I’d make a small korriban and tython (small low detail) and then have Dromund Kaas and Coresant as larger more detailed ones.

Then have a tatooine (medium to large) and Endor (the old one with dark tunnels) and illum. Maybe even add Nar Shaada.

Aka make a lot of rp planets all semi small to medium to allow more variety.

I shall start learning after my May production quota starts.

Or do what we did with sagas and have each faction have their collection of planets to a server of their own and a server of neutral.


I shall learn how to map and make a bunch of planets with high rates of use and not a few large empty ones!

Or so I will try.

I’d make a small korriban and tython (small low detail) and then have Dromund Kaas and Coresant as larger more detailed ones.

Then have a tatooine (medium to large) and Endor (the old one with dark tunnels) and illum. Maybe even add Nar Shaada.

Aka make a lot of rp planets all semi small to medium to allow more variety.

I shall start learning after my May production quota starts.

Or do what we did with sagas and have each faction have their collection of planets to a server of their own and a server of neutral.
