Bwobs Staff Application


Steam Name: Bwob
Steam ID - STEAM_0:0:89774275
Ingame Name(s) - Bwob, Silence, Fishman Joe
Server Playtime - 2w, 3d, 3hrs
Garry’s Mod Playtime - 2,995
Warn Count - 0
Age - 24

Relevant Experience
Servers - N/A

Positions - N/A

Responsibilities - N/A

Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.

A position on the Administrative Team requires patience, responsibility, and a level head.
Answer these questions as best you can to demonstrate these attributes.
Minimum effort will not be tolerated.

Why should the community support your application?
I believe the community should support my application because I'm a very fair and just person. I'm very respectful out of character and want to help create a fun experience for everyone on the server. I'm a very active player, typically on (when I'm not working) between the hours of 8am-9pm. As stated earlier, I am very fair. The player base would not have to worry about any biases between one player or the other. If someone is in violation of the server rules, regardless of how I feel about them as a player, I will do what the Executives and players expect of me. Which is to keep Reborn Jedi vs. Sith a fun place for all players, so that they can kick back and escape to a fun, RP experience without worrying about someone ruining it.

What makes you more qualified than other players?
I believe I am more qualified through my server activity, matureness, and understanding of what the Administrative team and players expect of someone who is to enforce the rules. I'm a career firefighter, so some of the skills I have learned through the fire service, such as integrity and a commitment to serve, can further assist me in helping keep a safe and fun environment for all players.

What are your primary focuses in successfully handling an administrative situation?
My primary focuses would be getting every detail I can, refer to the server rules if needed, and giving out a just punishment for the violation, if there is one. I would get all sides of the story, which includes the main parties and witnesses, to compile the full story. With that, I would be able to accurately and fairly handle the situation. I have a pretty good grasp on the server rules but I am human, so if needed I would refer to the server rules so I can refresh myself, whilst also be able to correctly act on the situation. With all the information I gathered, and referring to the rules if needed, I would be able to effectively do my job as a staff member for the JvS Server.

Why did you choose this community to serve as staff?
I choose this community because I love it and I would like to get more involved in it. From the awesome executive team, all the way down to the new player looking to join a community, I want to be involved in putting smiles on faces and help the server grow to its full potential. I've played reborn on and off for roughly 3-5 years and I have enjoyed and loved every second of it. So I feel like I should give back to the server that has never failed to make me smile, and do that for the awesome player base that has come together from around the world. I believe Reborn JvS has the leadership and drive to grow bigger than anyone could imagine, and I just want to be apart of it.

By signing my name in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, or neglect of the responsibilities placed on Administrative staff.

By signing my name in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [Bwob], have permission from [Observer] to make my application, either via forum private message, steam, or in-game.
I also acknowledge that if I am lying about my permission, that I will be denied the right to apply for any Reborn staff position in the future.
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