

Half the server crashes every couple of hours and really fucks up the population. It can be uptime turned to downtime in less than 30 seconds. Sure, the people can just rejoin. However, usually the mindset of someone crashing is, "welp I was gonna get off soon anyways" or "yeah I'm not loading back in." If the crashing problem would be taken seriously and actually approached by some certain people the server wouldn't be that dead anymore.


I thought it was my pc crashing but one day i did see like 3 people disappeared when force leaping and they crashed I was like damn. And sometimes when there's laggy moments that could also crash people including me.
shepard said he would switch maps back temp, he never did.
i have one more thing to do but i keep forgetting to do it.
Also the last thing is either delete it, or attempt to fix it. im trying to be a good boy and fix it because its optimization stuff