Darth Skittles 1st paid rework


@Current name: (Current Ingame name with Rank of life) Darth Skittles

@Faction: (Which faction you want, NO GREY JEDI UNLESS YOU GET ACCEPTED) Sith

@Steam Name: (Steam Name currently Using) Skittles

Which job are you wanting to rework?: (ONLY FOR CUSTOM JOBS REWORKS) darth skittles (sith life)

@Job Name: (Name of the job, doesn't mean rank, Ex: Darth Miles) Darth Skittles

@Color: (Color in the Tab Menu, NO BLACK OR WHITE (MUST BE A RGB CODE EX. 0, 0, 255=BLUE SHIT LIKE THAT)) Purple

@Model: (Link to Workshop page, NO MORE ANIME MODELS) https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=415879117

Old Model: (ONLY FOR CUSTOM JOBS REWORKS Link to Workshop Page)http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1116885166&searchtext=aileri

@Model ID: (If you don't know how to find this, watch the video at the bottom of the post) models/mark2580/dmc/dmc_kat.mdl

@Description: (Description displayed in the F4 Menu) She, was born and raised as a pure sith on Korriban.
Steam ID: (If you don't know how to find this, watch the video at the bottom of the post) STEAM_0:0:164390688

@Have you Payed for it: (Say whether you have donated for it, if not, you should donate for it before using the job) Yes