Doom's Staff Application

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-1 literally made me wanna die when he was staff constantly picking people on little things also was VERY bias against me when i had like 2 warns at the time. He kept thinking oh im a kid so why not target him.
Made me leave the server a couple times(ik he'll be accepted just because he made me leave)
Bullying people a lot when he isnt staff because he thinks he can break rules because he used to be a staff but not anymore.
In general do not think he is ready for staff again.
Also have never seen him in ts since hes come back to the community.
Also as a old staff member the rule was in still to never warn yourself even if you did warn yourself for minor things it shouldnt matter.
If he makes you "Wanna die" Then I will be honest, this is not the server for you. People get angry A LOT so if you unfortunately get caught in the crossfire please don't instantly become an edgy 13 year old hurting himself with a plastic spoon that he broke in half, it is not needed, AND! I know Doom is not someone who just targets people, if he was doing everything you said he was to you, it is because you would have started something. I am not trying to sound like a dick, I am trying to explain the matter and explain the truth to you.
Good day
EDIT: I have seen doom a lot in TS since he has came back I guess if you never join channels that he is in you wouldn't see him :/
If he makes you "Wanna die" Then I will be honest, this is not the server for you. People get angry A LOT so if you unfortunately get caught in the crossfire please don't instantly become an edgy 13 year old hurting himself with a plastic spoon that he broke in half, it is not needed, AND! I know Doom is not someone who just targets people, if he was doing everything you said he was to you, it is because you would have started something. I am not trying to sound like a dick, I am trying to explain the matter and explain the truth to you.
Good day
EDIT: I have seen doom a lot in TS since he has came back I guess if you never join channels that he is in you wouldn't see him :/
this isnt a shit talk post. I was showing my reasoning for my -1. You dont need to reply disagree or agree...
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