Earden's GM Application

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Steam name: THEGRATEOZ123
Steam ID: 64: 76561198422706241 32: STEAM_0:1:231220256
Ingame name(s): VRV CtH Lord Earden Vizsla
Current play time: 1y when I started about 100h+ (estimated)
Time in Garry’s Mod: 600h
Amount of warns: 0
Age: 15 (16 in Nov.)

Previous Gamemaster/Event making Experience:
Server(s): N/A
Time as position: N/A

(Check off the answer you choose with a “x”.)

Would you consider yourself an good builder?
[ X ] yes
[ ] no

Experience with Garry’s Mod construction and NPC control: (if none leave blank)

Are you able to create a cohesive story?
[ X ] yes
[ ] no

Experience with the creation of storylines, and knowledge of star wars lore:

Have you ever assisted in an event on Reborn in the past?
[ ] yes
[ X ] no
If so how many times?
[ ]

Can you work well with others to plan and execute an event?
[ X ] yes
[ ] no

As a game master what do you desire to do? (ie: Build, create story, etc.):
Create a Map, Game modes that make people want to come back to, like a weekly story based event's that build mon the one before

Plan an event (story based or building based):
Starts off in a room fully black every player by them selves, they have to pass "tests" (like riddles and trick questions, or a question on the lore) at some point they will need multiple people to complete one puzzle but they will have to choose who stays behind and it will all be timed. that's a basses of something I've thought of.

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on Gamemasters
[ X ]

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [name here], have permission from [Senior GM+] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any Gamemaster position in the future.
[ X ]

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated):
I am dedicated to the server, and would love to help make events and help with the map design. I have watched people make events and I would love to help make them go faster, maybe make more a week, make the server more active.
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-1, Really short, didn't put who you got perms from, didn't even fill out the player interview, may change my vote if these things get changed.


-1 No player interview, never heard of you and your event does not seems entertaining nor does it set you apart from the rest of them GMs. Not a very good first impression.
Ima go with the round dislike button here ::mad: or if u don't know what that means : -1

only 100 hours on the server is 4 days technically
That's hella short
also I see u made this forum account yesterday too


take a look at other apps that were accepted, like Archers. he has a abc plan, if you go into an event with just what you listed it would be a lot of improve and dealing with players would cause it to be pretty difficult to pull off.
If you have played for a year, and only have 100 hours. That mean's you've played like 27 minutes a day. Granted, you probably didn't get on the server every day. Perhaps spend more time playing in the community and letting people get to know you. I personally have never seen you EVER. Reason why i am gonna -1 this.

Your application is also lacking, you need to provide much more of an event. As Iroconian stated - have a plan A, B, and C. We NEED details.
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