Harpyie's Staff Re-Application

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Staff Application

Player Information
Your name: Harpyie
Your steamID: STEAM_0:0:68363089
Your current rank: Gold VIP
Amount of Warns: 3

Player's Server Information
Rank you are applying for: Trial Moderator
Total time with the community (months): about 6 months
Current level within the server: 140

Administration Availability
What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): It honestly depends because my work schedule because it is forever changing but i can almost always be on past 7 pm EST
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 3pm - 9pm

Previous Administrative Experience

Server(s): Reborn Gaming, Macho Roleplay

Position(s): Senior Moderator | Senior Admin

Time as position(s): 5 Months, and about 4 months
Brief overview of the position(s): Well, as a Senior moderator back in 3.0, I handled some of the smaller cases on the server, like RDM, Combat Warping, and Overall just minging, though most of the time as a senior moderator, I spent helping/overlooking sits when needed, or if they had any questions or anything.

As for my time as a Senior Admin, It was a very macro job, instead of handling all the smaller cases of mingery, my job was to watch over the majority of the staff team, ensuring that they were treating people fairly, mostly because the owner didn't have a staff manager yet. but other then that, most of my time was spent handling sits and managing staff although it was a very small server of 40 players regularly.

(edited for more detail and clarification)

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, Harpyie, have permission from [CMDR Croc] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated): Well to start off before I left the server due to personal reasons I was offered my Admin trials, which I declined knowing that I would not be able to be as active because of these issues. With having previously been apart of the staff team on this server, I remember how to handle sits and deal with a lot of issues, and with my return and my availability to play once more, I would like to put more time into helping the server again. And I do understand that those 3 warns do pose an issue, but they are all from September / December of 2017, which was also before I became staff the first time around. But I believe that with my knowledge of the server and my past experience that I could become apart of this staff team once more. Furthermore, I should explain who I am.. I am a 16 year old High-school Graduate who is currently a Shift Lead in the fast food industry, I currently am working as a cashier, and have had to deal with a lot of people, both kind, and angry. So far, I haven't had too many problems and was able to quietly defuse multiple scenarios while maintaining my cool. I personally believe that as a staff member you should be able to handle any situation without getting the least bit emotional. I also believe that as a staff member if you do end up getting emotional, that it is perfectly acceptable to walk away and have another member of staff deal with it. As a player, since i have gotten back, The staff team has been both efficient and polite in every instance i have seen. and I just want to try and pick up where i left off, with just helping this community in whatever ways I can, and I know that there are a lot of people who haven't seen me, or don't know me, and I do believe that I was in too big of a rush to realize that I am not very well known anymore, and that there are a lot of new players that have come into this community. So I won't be too disappointed if this application does get denied. but I will be trying to quickly adapt to the "newer" community, and with my life finally calming down a bit, I should be able to get on daily for at least a few hours, where i will be happy to talk and get to know all of you better.

(addition due to a lot of feedback saying that it needs to be longer)

Thank you for viewing my Application and Thank you For all of your wonderful feedback
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While you've been staff before, you have 3 warns and this application is incredibly short. The player interview needs more information.
If you fix the player interview and just add more information all around, I'll probably +1.


-2 I understand that you were a great asset a while ago, however I do believe that you should wait with applying so you can get to know the new people on the server and to get known around the community. I have yet not had any interaction with you, besides that I saw you on the TeamSpeak earlier, you are a fairly new face to me so I’d like to get to know you first.

Rde Ren

Staff Application

Player Information
Your name: Harpyie
Your steamID: STEAM_0:0:68363089
Your current rank: Gold VIP
Amount of Warns: 3

Player's Server Information
Rank you are applying for: Trial Moderator
Total time with the community (months): about 6 months
Current level within the server: 140

Administration Availability
What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): It honestly depends because my work schedule because it is forever changing but i can almost always be on past 7 pm EST
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): 3pm - 9pm

Previous Administrative Experience

Server(s): Reborn Gaming, Macho Roleplay

Position(s): Senior Moderator | Senior Admin

Time as position(s): 5 Months, and about 4 months
Brief overview of the position(s): Well, as a Senior moderator I basically did everything that mods are supposed to do, and really that all the permission of a Senior Mod could do as it was still early in 3.0, As a Senior Admin, it was more a Staff manager rank where i looked at staff applications and accepted or denied them, i watched over all the staff ensuring that they weren't abusing their powers and I held staff meetings.

Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, Harpyie, have permission from [CMDR Croc] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated): Well to start off before I left the server due to personal reasons I was offered my Admin trials, which I declined knowing that I would not be able to be as active because of these issues. With having previously been apart of the staff team on this server, I remember how to handle sits and deal with a lot of issues, and with my return and my availability to play once more, I would like to put more time into helping the server again. And I do understand that those 3 warns do pose an issue, but they are all from September / December of 2017, which was also before I became staff the first time around. But I believe that with my knowledge of the server and my past experience that I could become apart of this staff team once more.
-1 I never really see you and short app. sorry
I've been playing the server for the past 2 weeks trying to get back into it and I have only seen you once or twice. Try to be more active. Your player interview could also use a bit more information due to the fact that's where we get the main information about you wanting to be staff.
+2 You were a wonderful moderator when you were staff, but you need to up your activity and adjust to the new community.


-2 I've never seen you on the server, I appreciate you are old staff and I have no doubt you were a good staff member, however, I feel that before returning to staff it would be necessary to be known on the server again. Plus, I would really like to see a more detailed application, for some people (such as myself) this is the first time seeing your app and I would like to see the type of person you are. this app does not really give me much confidence in that.


-2 i have never seen you before and it seems that everyone else haven't either
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Neutral, I've seen you on a bit, talked to you and it was pretty chill. I'd just say wait a bit before reapplying
-1 We knew eachother quite well when he was active, but sadly as listed above. You can't simply leave forever and expect to be accepted, make a face for yourself my friend.
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Neutral I think that you should spend some more time with the community again before re-applying for staff. Since you have been gone for so long the community has had newer players join, you should let them get to know you.


+2 one of the reason why i applied for staff was because of you and you didn't leave on bad terms for the community.


Sorry for such a late reply, idk if you are still active or not but i guess i will accept this app. Please see a super admin next time you are in teamspeak.
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