I Wanna Hear What You Guys Think About Jedi.


Elitism is the root of Reborn's decay. Instead of putting focus on a high-level org, we should be trying to bring new people to the server.
We need to foster a future, or we become stale and repetitive.
i use tk hang on late on the server just to train initiates. i was able to multitask and still enjoy the server. I have only seen 6 Initiates in the past two weeks.

i have seen two Jedi council argue who is to train an initiate. then the jc that was staff forced the jc to do it....the guy was whitlisted within 5 minutes and logged off 10 minutes later.


Shadows is not solely focused around "spying" nor "murder". Shadows were of course known for unorthodox way of dealing with things like that of course that why they are known as the most dangerous jedi. On the other side they stand for so much more than just than killing our sole purpose is to destroy anything dealing with the sith most people just ran Shadows as "blue sith" currently we are working on a way not to be seen as this. Shadows will be a small disciplined group of jedi who seek the destruction of Sith and their artifacts. Of course to say we wont be on the more "extremist" side would be foolish as that is what jedi shadows were practitioners of. Now under proper leadership though we will be focused on seeking out the artifacts of the sith and to destroy them to eliminate the possible future of the Sith. A purpose of a shadow is to stay in the shadows and gain Intel on the other hand though to so the council is aware of what's going on so it would be fullish to not allow shadows to do that saying that's what they did in lore. The information gathering wouldn't be used to punish people more or less to guide them upon the correct path and hopefully enlighten them. The people who previously ran the organization have ran it so people can call themselves jedi but really be sith under it's new leadership I hope you and the rest of the people who dont know our true nature will understand it was just mislead.
As well if you believe Jedi weren't scared of what their order did and act "shady" you are incredibly misinformed. The jedi in lore when shadows existed was extremely corrupt as sith were working from the inside so Shadows are used to gather intel for the council to stop the order and its reputation from being ruined. In general Jedi have always done this from the very beginning there is nothing shady about gathering information to use it help you. As the code says there is no ignorance there is knowledge you would figure the jedi have a way to keep the knowledge of what's going on behind their backs which is the purpose of gathering such intel. It is not to be shady its purposefully made so the people who have gotten intel gathered on do not know who gathered it and so it is done in a safe manner protecting them and the gatherer. The Shadows were known to excite fellow Jedi who have started on a path of corruption but this by orders of the council nothing the shadows could stop themselves. So if you believe the shadows are in the wrong look more into what causes that.

1. This sentence "shadows were of course known for the unorthodox way of dealing with things like that of course that why they are known as the most dangerous Jedi." You claim that it's not a reason for spying nor murder but at the same time you confirm the vagueness and unsureness of what the "unorthodox way" is. The org also talks about "destroying sith" which in a way is against the code as we don't just KOS sith.

2. There is a major flaw and hypocrisy of destroying sith artifacts and intel. Why would Jedi have an org that goes completely against "there is no ignorance there is knowledge" Whos trusted to view this intel? Why should it be destroyed? Shouldn't the Jedi learn all they can to improve?
2. There is a major flaw and hypocrisy of destroying sith artifacts and intel. Why would Jedi have an org that goes completely against "there is no ignorance there is knowledge" Whos trusted to view this intel? Why should it be destroyed? Shouldn't the Jedi learn all they can to improve?
The Jedi destroyed Sith Artifacts because they corrupted Jedi and taught Jedi to kill and to use their emotions to fuel them.
So there is ignorance?
You can call it ignorance if you want but we know what happens when a Jedi opens a sith artifact and with this knowledge we decide that its best if we don't share it with other Jedi because they will be corrupted.
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When shadows trap...low ranking...didnt even ask them anything...just a collusion to pk the enemy of our enemy. Trapping a sith just to pk them it is neither Jedi or friend of the Jedi Order.

We used troopers back in the day for this as they didnt have a code that forbid it


When shadows trap...low ranking...didnt even ask them anything...just a collusion to pk the enemy of our enemy. Trapping a sith just to pk them it is neither Jedi or friend of the Jedi Order.

We used troopers back in the day for this as they didnt have a code that forbid it
One the low level was an accident he attacked me and I went to heavy him him to get him low enough to capture and it one tapped him. The other one we were going to protect but they turn hostile on us and we were forced to take jursatic measures. Neither PKs were on purpose.


1. This sentence "shadows were of course known for the unorthodox way of dealing with things like that of course that why they are known as the most dangerous Jedi." You claim that it's not a reason for spying nor murder but at the same time you confirm the vagueness and unsureness of what the "unorthodox way" is. The org also talks about "destroying sith" which in a way is against the code as we don't just KOS sith.

2. There is a major flaw and hypocrisy of destroying sith artifacts and intel. Why would Jedi have an org that goes completely against "there is no ignorance there is knowledge" Whos trusted to view this intel? Why should it be destroyed? Shouldn't the Jedi learn all they can to improve?
And I said its main focuses weren't those things like everyone labels it. I never specifically said or meant they dont "spy" but a jedi never murders anyone. There is no death we all will be connected with the force and sometimes it is simply caused by a shadow because that is the only decision that will have a positive result. And no destroying the sith as in their artifacts as I mentioned in that paragraph. Yes sometimes a Sith will be put down but that is either a safety measure or because they attacked first.

The dark side is a very persuasive creation and if a jedi fell into knowledge it shouldn't have of it they will more than likely fall to it as we have seen time and time again. Only few jedi can contain the knowledge of the dark side. As a result of that the Shadows have vowed to rid of it and make sure our brothers are not to fall to the dark side.
All in all though Jedi is doing great as of right now most of our council is amazing and unbiased. But everything is just getting old for some if older players as it is just the same repetitive stuff to go through over and over again. It would be nice to see council enforcing more RP. What would be amazing is if every trials from org to knight/master trials weren't just the same thing every time and could dive into something like writing a small essay or so because as of now it's mainly just fighting. It would be cool to get master evaluations back and make master actually mater again instead of just having extra hp and padawans. I love the jedi and want to see it improve, and as of right now the only improvement is that Shadows is back and that the council is amazing. Everything else is still the same from no change in orgs or trials or just having no RP at all. There is few of people who focus on RP left but right now all jedi does is duel the people who focus on RP are just stuck with nothing to do really and it's a shame and would be great to see council encouraging more RP situations. Other than that the jedi is on the perfect path to being the healthiest it's been in years.
To spice trials up, ask situational questions for the people taking trials. Ask 2 for knight trials and 4 for master trials.

In dueling, if the player has a mic, have them recite the code while attempting to beat you. Taunt them while dueling to see if they’re quick to anger.

Once they’ve proven that they have mastered their emotions, lose intentionally and tell them you surrender once your health gets to like 400. If they accept the surrender and deignite, they pass. If they kill you, they immediately fail.


To spice trials up, ask situational questions for the people taking trials. Ask 2 for knight trials and 4 for master trials.

In dueling, if the player has a mic, have them recite the code while attempting to beat you. Taunt them while dueling to see if they’re quick to anger.

Once they’ve proven that they have mastered their emotions, lose intentionally and tell them you surrender once your health gets to like 400. If they accept the surrender and deignite, they pass. If they kill you, they immediately fail.
hey hey, you're not a part of this anymore go away


As for the rest of you, I've always told you that if you have an issue you can come talk to me. Lately all I've seen is people talk behind me and say all these horrible things that help nobody. So far the only thing I've heard from about 2 people is that they don't like Shadows, and they're not happy with Galen being Grand Scholar, and that Oil shouldn't have got Jedi Council. Galen isn't Grand Scholar anymore, and Shadows is something a lot of people wanted so I decided to have a vote amongst the Jedi council about it. If others feel strongly that it isn't a good org for the Jedi then I will make a vote on the Jedi discord for it if I need to. You gotta understand, I'm trying to do what is best for Jedi. I'm not going out of my way to do what I want, every decision I make, or any decision I let the Jedi council make is for the Jedi. There's no elitism, we're not acting like the Illuminati over here. I want the Jedi to strive, that's all. It isn't about me, it's not about the Jedi council, it's about the Jedi as a whole.

Shadows - Yes, I added shadows for the sake of actually having a fight against the Sith. I have them go out and seek artifacts and destroy them or bring them to me so I can cleanse them, and have them deal with Sith that sadly cannot be brought back to the light side. If it was up to me I would not have anyone killed, and my Jedi council wouldn't either. Last night a shadow PKed someone, yes I heard about that and he already expressed that he did not mean to do that, he was going to capture him. It happens, all we can do is re-train the shadow that did it and move on from this and LEARN from it. I will look into how people feel about shadows more, and if it truly is something Jedi don't want as an org then I will remove it.

Jedi Council - It's always said that there's people that shouldn't be Jedi council, please understand this, I want to give everyone a chance for Jedi council. I believe that if a person has the drive to be Jedi council, and they are doing what they can as a master and they've shown that they can go beyond being a master, through true leadership and wisdom that I would put them on council. I get that some of you dislike Galen, but Galen for the most part has been a part of my Jedi council for a very long time, and he's done me good. What regular Jedi see is different from reality of what my Jedi council actually do behind the scenes for me. I appreciate every Jedi council that I have and I believe it was the right decision to put them on council. I don't regret putting anyone I've put on council, they've made their impacts in one way or another and they have learned from the experience, and that is all that matters to me in the end. There's a lot more people I'd like to add to council someday (Yes, even you @IROCONIAN) You may think I dislike you Iroc, but I truly believe you are a good man and you are probably the best Jedi I ever met, and I strongly believe that someday I will have you on my council. I know we get into it sometimes but it's because we both care strongly for the Jedi and how it is being run and how it is thriving. I apologize for the spats we get into sometimes, and hope we can put it behind us someday. As for the last part, Oil is a part of my Jedi council. It's true. You never thought that would ever happen. I didn't either, but Oil has been putting in work and effort towards becoming Jedi council and I saw it and my Jedi council saw it and I could appreciate it, and we all believed it was right to give him a shot at being Jedi council. If Oil does something wrong, he will either tell me or any of the Jedi can tell me and we'll deal with it.

In the end, all I ask is for all of you that are Jedi to work with me on how we can make the Jedi order better, arguing and talking behind each others back and throwing "shade" is not going to solve anything. I ask that you talk to me, truly voice your opinion on the matter, and I promise I will listen. I will do my best to make all the Jedi happy, that's nearly impossible but I will always try.

Thank you all.