Ice's Warn Appeal

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Your Steam ID and/or IGN: STEAM_0:0:109253733

Staff Member who Warned: Arata Winters

Warn reason: Shadow Striking While Combat Tagged

What happened?:
After a raid was called off I was still on their planet. I was running away from Sniper and then I cloaked. I was still combat tagged but shadow striked him. Pallox then came running up to me and said I wasn't allowed to shadow striked while combat tagged. I was like "wait really?" I didn't really know what to do so I kept on running. Shortly after I was brought by Arata. I got to explain my side and said I didn't know that was a rule. Sniper (the person who reported it to Arata) said he didn't care and told Arata to warn me anyways. Arata then warned me and returned me back to Korriban.

Why you should your appeal be accepted?: I have read over the long list of rules many times and have never seen this here. I had no idea that shadow striking while combat tagged was not allowed. I know usually appeals don't get accepted for not knowing it was a rule but this wasn't on the big list of rules.

Any sort of proof(photo,video): Nope.
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+1 sniper gets triggered easily and arata should've just verbal warned you if u didn't know you can't do that


I did tell him that it wasnt allowed as soon as he did it, I dont see why it was a warn and not a verbal +1


+1 When I was staff I tried to avoid warns unless completely necessary should've been a verbal but you should know the rule since of how long you've been here.
I'm going with neutral on this until Arata replies, I understand this is all an accident, but this is a pretty annoying rule to be broken. You're max level, JC (I think Barsen Thor not 100%), and you've been here for a while and should know better. Pallox was unable to do anything as he's a GM and other staff were online and he probably was also combat tagged, so he couldn't take the sit. Again, I know it was an accident in terms of ignorance of rules, rather than miss clicking, but that doesn't exempt you from the rules as you are an experienced player. I can understand why Arata warned you as anyone could claim ignorance and get their way out of warns, so I am not +ing this appeal at all. If Arata posts on here and changes my mind, I'll change my vote.


I understand mistakes and recently had one of mine removed. But that rule isn't clearly stated. This one is 3 lines long. So I'm just not sure how to feel.

[x] Players cannot Cloak and continue to fight in the middle of combat.
[-] Cloak can be used to open combat with shadow strike, or used to escape combat
[-] Shadow strike cannot be used while in combat.
My point of view of the story when I had brought Sniper and Ice to a sit and they had both explained there sides of the story and I had heard from Pallox that he was already telling Ice that it was against the rules + the fact that Ice has been a part of the community for a while it had seemed to me that Ice had negated the rule more than anything and that's why I decided to give him the warning.
Like the last appeal. Its clearly an accident so this will be lifted (also def shouldve been a verbal) take care that it doesnt happen again.
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