Jump's 8th staff app

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Staff Application

Player Information
Your name: Jump Novar
Your steamID: STEAM_0:1:121952555
Your current rank: Diamond VIP
Amount of Warns: Around 12 (like 4 are fake)

Player's Server Information
Rank you are applying for: T-mod
Total time with the community (months): Around a year and 6 months
Current level within the server: 54

Administration Availability
What time during weekdays are you available (a.m. - p.m.): [GMT+1] 5pm-1am [11am-7pm EST]
What time during weekends are you available (a.m. - p.m.): [GMT] 4pm-5am [10am-11pm EST] (these are the minimum hours I would be on, most weeks it is more than this)

Previous Administrative Experience
Server(s): N/A
Time as position(s):N/A
Brief overview of the position(s):N/A
Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.

User Administrative Agreement
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
- Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, and neglect of the responsibilities placed on staff

User Permission Clause
By placing an X in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [Jump], have permission from [Caitlyn] to make my application (either via forum private message, steam, or in-game).
I also acknowledge that If I am lying about my permission that I will be denied the right to apply for any staff position in the future.

Player Interview
Why should we support your application, and what makes you more qualified than other players? (Please elaborate - minimum effort will not be tolerated):
I think I should be supported as I have spent a decent amount of time on this server. My most recent focus has been creating fun and RP for players to enjoy. This also brought fun for me and it allowed me to get closer to the community. I have been in quite a few staff sits. This, I believe, makes me more qualified as I know a lot of players on the server and can handle them appropriately. I am also from Denmark which means I will be able to assist in staffing duties in the earlier hours to ensure when full uptime comes into swing that everything is running smoothly and without issues. That being said I do think I have a lot to learn in terms of dealing with certain situations but I am very keen to learn and dedicated to the server and will not hesitate to ask any questions to ensure I am in the right position and doing things appropriately. I ultimately wish to become an admin as this would be the best of both staff and gamemaster (with permission of course) but I will accept any role I am given and will strive to do the very best I can to be above and beyond the standards desired.

The server means a lot to me as I can turn to it to distract me from stress and worries. Over the months it has become like another home and I enjoy playing with everyone on it. Being able to upkeep the following of rules and maximise the enjoyment for players would be a great honour and responsibility I would love to undertake. However if it is decided that I am unsuitable then I will strive to reach any further standards required and I am always open to criticism and will listen to any suggestions anyone has to make. Thank you for taking the time and effort to read this application and hopefully you decide to support it.

And I wont be toxic to Moxxi's friend group anymore


+1 Active and a well known member within the community, would actively try to cultivate the server to a higher standard and improve the playing experience for new and veteran players alike.


+1 I know the server can get pretty wild with new comers that minge, but old players the embody the spirit of the server can help support the reputation that reborn has.


+1 y not holy shit, so many staff rn are aids and Jump can actually give a logical perspective to staff issues without bias
+1 Jump was pretty toxic in the past, but from the last few days I've seen him be pretty chill and take his DC spot seriously. If he's able to take something like that seriously I'm sure he'll have no problems with Staff.
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