Lanes apology

Ricky Toro

I am deeply sorry for the way I acted in irocs events I apologize to anyone I upset in that event especially Iroc And ray since that event both of them hate me im very sorry for what I did and I hope you can forgive me. :(


Listen @Ricky Toro , if you are genuinely apologizing here then good on you. But for you to apologize, you are also stating that you are not going to perform the behavior you exhibited in that event, but like I said. All the power to you if this is an actual apology. I'm sure no one really "Hates" you. As it's the internet, you can't REALLY "hate" anyone unless you know them personally.


Lane was pretty heated when he couldn't race but I believe this is sincere and I understand he is trying to get GM but I understand his issues.


i do not hate you

killing rp boss is not a bannabpe offense.

wasting peoples time by constantly stoping each step of a raid or event is

we did a wrestling promo mini event. was absolutely hilarious and everyone had fun. i did have to eliminate three people before we started for just not giving a crap about others time.