Loodys Opinion


Loodys Opinion

Afternoon everyone.The recent toxicity is pretty toxic.I don't really have any say on anything going on.All i'm trying to do is get valk.

The Community
When moxxi played this shit was cash and now its just some dudes being dudes.

The Staff Team
There is no heirerarchy in this john senior admins are like mods

The SA team
Idk pretty cool

Dwayne's Demotion
I guess you could say mans just not hot

Play the server more

A hard pass on this subject

Closing Remarks
When vick gets demoted im taking that john and making it whatever shepard said in the staff meeting before he got mad.
Denied stop saying I'm inactive when I have more active hours with about a week of internet than a good bit of staff that are able to get on the server, but choose not to. After this vacation, I'm home, I have internet, and I'm fixing the EE with whatever changes I must. If I'm not demoted that is.
Denied stop saying I'm inactive when I have more active hours with about a week of internet than a good bit of staff that are able to get on the server, but choose not to. After this vacation, I'm home, I have internet, and I'm fixing the EE with whatever changes I must. If I'm not demoted that is.
That’s cute but he’s still gonna OT