Lost a Custom Artifact + Custom Igniter

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During the Custom Item wipe I was on vacation and couldn't get to my screenshots of my items but I put on the post that I had said items and asked for them not to be removed. At this point I really only want the Artifact and don't care about the igniter too much but if I could get some help with both that would be nice.
This is the Screenshot for the Custom Artifact: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1791158545
and this is the screenshot for the Custom Igniter: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1791158498
I messaged Whiskey about this after my LOA and he told me to speak with Shepard but he never responded so Whiskey told me to make a forum post.
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Last I remember is someone else having toras crystal lol and that was a month or two ago and he has done a wipe since then... so no idea..
Still sus, Shepard never removed any custom crystals unless someone bought them and had them deleted on purpose. And considering you can’t get 2 of the same custom crystal...


Oh oof maybe he does it to perma banned players lol
I got the crystal at the end of June and went on vacation on the 7th of July and came back on the 22nd of July and it was gone from my inventory along with the custom igniter I had.
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