Maven's GameMaster Application

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-1 I don't know you in game but solely based off of the application it overall seems like a idiotic event and makes me question your ability of making an event. I mean I personally come from servers with higher grade RP as a mandatory but in my personal taste and past experiences this is just a shallow event that clearly a lot of thought or effort wasn't put into during the planning. Also based off of this sample event, I doubt your ability to structure a cohesive story in an event just solely based off of the nature of your sample event idea as it is previously stated, very shallow and not interesting in any form. But once again, I have no idea what this servers standards are event wise so this might be acceptable as I have not participated on many here but this is mainly just my opinion. I would suggest re-working your practice event or just replying to me with another one if you so please. Other then that I don't see anything wrong with this application and if you could reply and readdress my points I could give this a support.


Can we keep this thread relevant and stop bashing cloak please :) if you guys really don’t like him that much make a report no need to bash him on someone’s application you don’t have to agree with his point of view or reasons behind his -1

Also -1 I see you on the server all the time however with the mass flood of gamemasters we’ve been getting I feel like we should hold our gamemasters to a higher standard as well as look for new ideas or aspects people can bring to the table and you seem very average to me gamemaster applications aren’t staff applications they shouldn’t be basic and average if you want the position,
Just my thoughts good luck on your app tho man
Uhhh, I wish we had a flood of Gamemasters. +2 to Maven. Dude is a great fucking guy and definitely deserves a shot at this.

Highlord Miles

Accepted. Find me in the Teamspeak.

The sample event does seem similar to other events that have happened before, but I really appreciate the attempt to put in Lore instead of just making the event, run in and kill this enemy. I feel as though you can contribute in a positive way to the team. Welcome aboard.
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