Maxir's Staff application


Steam Name: The Real Yes
Steam ID - STEAM_0:1:196566429
Ingame Name(s) - Maxir Javal
Server Playtime - 1w
Garry’s Mod Playtime - 6851 hours
Warn Count - 0
Age - 19
Relevant Experience
Servers - Icefuse Networks Military RP, Zephyr Networks, Riverside roleplay
Positions - Icefuse Networks Admin, Zephyr Networks Community Manager, Riverside Roleplay Senior Moderator, Infamous DarkRP Owner and Central Command MilitaryRP Owner
Responsibilities - Icefuse networks - My main role was to perform standard administrative duties and performing ban requests from Ranks lower than mine as I was the first rank that could ban
Zephyr Networks - My job was community out reach, making sure the community was heard and dealing with the content creators we had as well as document writing and roster management.
Riverside roleplay - Just standard Admin duties as I didn't go far before I resigned due to server management.

Leave blank or put N/A if you have no previous administrative experience.
A position on the Administrative Team requires patience, responsibility, and a level head.
Answer these questions as best you can to demonstrate these attributes.
Minimum effort will not be tolerated.

Why should the community support your application?:

I think that the community should support my application because. I am a friendly face which means I am easy to approach and come to with issues, I will always put others before myself and I enjoy helping people the best I can. I will never lose my temper with anyone and always keep a level head, having previous experience I have delt with a lot of unique situations so I wont panic and will do my job to the best of my abilities and I'm not scared to make mistakes if I do I will always try my hardest to learn from them so they do not happen again

What makes you more qualified than other players?

I believe I am more qualified than other players Due to my extensive previous experience in diverse situations, My ability to maintain a composed demeanor ensures that I approach each scenario with clarity and avoid un thought out and hasty decisions to always have acurate out comes. Intergrity is important to me and I will stay impartial to everyone that I encounter treating everyone fairly.

What are your primary focuses in successfully handling an administrative situation?

My primary focuses are as followed; Keeping people calm and talking as a group not arguing, Making sure I have correct evidence and sides from both stories to carry out the correct actions

Why did you choose this community to serve as staff?

The reason I have chosen this community Is because I have felt very welcome here in this community and only ever had to deal with 2 or 3 toxic players because the staff team cracks down on toxic players very quickly. I would like to be apart of the team that makes this server the safe space that it is and help people the best I can

By signing my name in the box provided below, I hereby state that I have read and fully understand all of requirements and expectations placed on our staff members, including, but not limited to:
Suspension/demotion due to inactivity, abuse, or neglect of the responsibilities placed on Administrative staff.
[Harley or Maxir ]

By signing my name in the box provided below, I hereby state that I, [ Harley or maxir], have permission from [Super Admin+] to make my application, either via forum private message, steam, or in-game.
I also acknowledge that if I am lying about my permission, that I will be denied the right to apply for any Reborn staff position in the future.
[ Harley or Maxir]