My CC isn't what I expected

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Ok so I got my CC a while ago but I was bothered by something that I didn't expect. My CC is Carbide from Fortnite ( And this model is supposed to have 4 different pieces. The legs, arms, chest, and Helmet. My CC is missing the helmet. I already tested in singleplayer and there was a helmet there. But in this server theres no helmet which is not cool. Proof of there being no helmet: If this can't be fixed then it's understandable but I just wanted to say that it is messed up. If I could get a free rework that would be nice but if not then it's ok.
i recommend dming shepard on discord also bodygrouper doesn't always work from single player to multiplayer as there are different ways that the models bodygroups work with the bodygrouper tool


can't be fixed. problem with model itself. croc can possibly help u bc i know he's helped a few ppl with the same issues you have. there is a workaround, but i forget what it is.
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