My Opinion.


Hey, it's Kenny Ash/Kenny Merh. Some of you probably know me, more of you probably don't. Doesn't really matter to read the post. I wanted to share my own opinion on the Archer/Mira thing even though it's been talked to death, and even though no one asked for my opinion. Still, thought i'd chime in my 2 cents.

So the time I met Mira/Archer/Aru and the gang was when I got Jedi Council. At the time I didn't really know how far the drama with them both went, but as I kept attending meetings and pming everyone over discord, I started to get a picture of the people on the server, and the drama between them. So here's what I think. I'll keep it as short and simple as I can. When I started to write this, I wanted to tell everything that had happened with them, but I realized that the best way to go about this is to focus on what happened, while also bringing up some things on both sides that happened in the past. With that out of the way, here's my fresh take:

I 100% believe that Aru/Mira's ban was justified. Totally. No doubt in my mind. But to explain why I think it's justified, I want to take a few words from Caitlyn's response to to Aru, because I think something she said is specific was a really good point that I want to bring up in this post, aswell.

Direct Quote from Caitlyn's response: "I also think it's fucked to accuse someone of sexual harassment publicly. If you don't have definitive proof then your almost as bad as those bitches that claim rape and ruin peoples lives... ...Don't just outright accuse people of Sexual Harassment. That stuff ruins lives and ruins reputations, even when its not true."

This is a great, great, point. Caitlyn's right when she says this kind of thing ruins lives, and it really made me doubt her side of the argument, as the moment she decided to promote false allegations, all of her accusations about toxicity lost credibility in my mind. A boy who cried wolf scenario, if you will. I also want to add on to this that the way to respond to someone being mean or toxic, is not being mean or toxic back to them. Mira said herself that, "People can only take harassment and toxicity for so long before they themselves grow toxic." I don't think that's an excuse for being toxic at all. Responding to toxicity with toxicity has never worked out well, and they honestly should've known that, no matter how fed up they were with it. It's not a good reason.
Now, Mira in the past has been petty towards Archer. After she stepped down from JC, she got on her Jedi life and made out with another Jedi in front of Archer to purposefully make him feel bad. When I messaged her over discord, asking her to stop being petty and move on, she said that she'd only stop when Archer apologized to her, which he tried to do, by the way. I don't feel that Mira can play the victim card after she herself was constantly refusing to move on from stuff with Archer and kept being petty. The moment she decided to do that to Archer, all her credibility fell away for me, as she had double standards. Wanting people to stop being mean to her, while also continuing to be mean to Archer. Also, releasing a guys full name and place of work is a breach of privacy and is NOT okay, no matter the circumstances.

As for Aru, I feel nothing but pity for him. Honestly, Caitlyn made a fair point when she said that Mira had an army of White Knights. Honestly, she had talked to about 4 guys over steam, 3 of them Jedi Council, and personally, I don't think that's fair to any of them. Now, was it manipulation? I'm not sure, but it's suspicious to me, for sure.
Now, when it comes to Archer, I don't feel like he has much to apologize for. He told a story in confidence and she leaked it. Was it perhaps foolish to tell her that story? Probably. But should Mira have told it around? Absolutely not. It's his business, his life, and it doesn't involve anyone on the server at all. If Mira ends up reading this post, she'll probably say that Archer has manipulated me, as she so often said to me over Discord DMs. She always kept trying to tell me to 'open my eyes' but in all honesty, I don't think any of her claims are backed up at all. I don't think staff is corrupt, as both she and Aru claims, and I don't think Archer manipulated her. That's my opinion. One that I came to myself. I think Mira was petty, perhaps manipulative, and toxic. I never like to say things like this, but I am glad she was banned. Now that she's gone, I really do hope that we can start rooting out toxicity, and make Reborn a better place for all who play it. I, myself, would really love to play this everyday, but more often then not I find myself discouraged because of the drama and toxicity. I'm gonna end this post here, because honestly I think the number of times i've said "toxicity" is reaching the hundreds by this point. I honestly just want people to be good to each other, and have Reborn be a place for us to spend our time happily, and now that we've rooted out some of the core troublemakers, I think that we can start working towards that goal.

Have a nice day.


Never give out someone's info if they don't consent to it. Honestly, i'm super careful about my identity being revealed to strangers, and I bet a lot of you are, too. Be nice, and be considerate.


Just btw when we call them white knights its not even much of an insult. The reason why I say that is because they literally call themselves white knights and are proud of it. I think its kinda funny, as well as fascinating on how crazy it is, they think its a good thing.
Just btw when we call them white knights its not even much of an insult. The reason why I say that is because they literally call themselves white knights and are proud of it. I think its kinda funny, as well as fascinating on how crazy it is, they think its a good thing.
What kind of bimbo is proud of being a white knight


I remember when the girls at work situation with Archer happened and it's not sexual harassment at all imo. If it were that big of a deal they would've gone to a manager or HR. At my work I've had guests sexually harass me and my co-workers. Even the slightest discomfort gets reported. I never told a manager about that one guy who has a crush on me but they found out and investigated. Archer is very kind, a tad socially awkward at times but who isn't? Even I don't read social cues correctly a lot of the time. If Archer is reading this, don't let some e-thot -oof- fuck with you. For all of y'all reading this -- don't let some random ass person who couldn't say any of that to your face take up space in your mind or heart. Don't let a coward control your happiness and well-being. You are special. You are important.

As for Mira, she just wants attention. In my time on Garry's Mod, every community has a girl like her. She is manipulative and wants all the male attention on the server and possibly even tries to social climb her way up to dating the owner. (I'm not jabbing at Cait chill tf out- no beef <3 ) Don't hate Mira, she's insecure with herself and doesn't have a good support group obviously. In many Gmod communities there's girls like her who think "how many boys can I get to like me? I love the attention give me more" They resent and fight for dominance over other girls who join the community even to a point of putting them down for no reason. I'll admit when I was 14-17 I loved being the center of attention - i was that girl -but I grew up and realized it's ok to make female friends and boys r icky, bun included (jk no smite).

Grow up and get some therapy, girl.
I remember when the girls at work situation with Archer happened and it's not sexual harassment at all imo. If it were that big of a deal they would've gone to a manager or HR. At my work I've had guests sexually harass me and my co-workers. Even the slightest discomfort gets reported. I never told a manager about that one guy who has a crush on me but they found out and investigated. Archer is very kind, a tad socially awkward at times but who isn't? Even I don't read social cues correctly a lot of the time. If Archer is reading this, don't let some e-thot -oof- fuck with you. For all of y'all reading this -- don't let some random ass person who couldn't say any of that to your face take up space in your mind or heart. Don't let a coward control your happiness and well-being. You are special. You are important.

As for Mira, she just wants attention. In my time on Garry's Mod, every community has a girl like her. She is manipulative and wants all the male attention on the server and possibly even tries to social climb her way up to dating the owner. (I'm not jabbing at Cait chill tf out- no beef <3 ) Don't hate Mira, she's insecure with herself and doesn't have a good support group obviously. In many Gmod communities there's girls like her who think "how many boys can I get to like me? I love the attention give me more" They resent and fight for dominance over other girls who join the community even to a point of putting them down for no reason. I'll admit when I was 14-17 I loved being the center of attention - i was that girl -but I grew up and realized it's ok to make female friends and boys r icky, bun included (jk no smite).

Grow up and get some therapy, girl.
:D thank you Faerie. You’re a great friend.


Just btw when we call them white knights its not even much of an insult. The reason why I say that is because they literally call themselves white knights and are proud of it. I think its kinda funny, as well as fascinating on how crazy it is, they think its a good thing.
who is we?