New Models for Bounty Hunter & new idea.


I believe that the more that people get accepted into BH the models don't seem to specifically revolve around a certain persons character because there is always the one person who likes using the same models as one another.

The fact is, Eternal Empire is getting removed and without all the storage this would be a lit time to include a few more Battlefront 2 Bounty Hunter and any other Bounty Hunter models in general so that there is more of a variety for every BH.
With that, there are a few stinky models like the Jango Fett, Boba Fett, a few of the Robots that should get replaced just because they are models that no Bounty Hunters use.



If this isn't enough to convince the developers of adding and removing a few ugly BH models then at least, could we get a Sub-Faction that includes BH's so that we could possibly Role Play more and maybe get our own camp on Tatt just to be more immersed and give BH and possibly Mercenaries more shit to do.

Here are a few links to some neutral models:

Hopefully, deep down in the communities heart you guys will understand how important it is for every player who holds the rank of Bounty Hunter to have differentation between all of us and this seems like a perfect time to do so!

Enjoy people, Don't forget to put your opinions below.
I believe that the more that people get accepted into BH the models don't seem to specifically revolve around a certain persons character because there is always the one person who likes using the same models as one another.

The fact is, Eternal Empire is getting removed and without all the storage this would be a lit time to include a few more Battlefront 2 Bounty Hunter and any other Bounty Hunter models in general so that there is more of a variety for every BH.
With that, there are a few stinky models like the Jango Fett, Boba Fett, a few of the Robots that should get replaced just because they are models that no Bounty Hunters use.



If this isn't enough to convince the developers of adding and removing a few ugly BH models then at least, could we get a Sub-Faction that includes BH's so that we could possibly Role Play more and maybe get our own camp on Tatt just to be more immersed and give BH and possibly Mercenaries more shit to do.

Here are a few links to some neutral models:

Hopefully, deep down in the communities heart you guys will understand how important it is for every player who holds the rank of Bounty Hunter to have differentation between all of us and this seems like a perfect time to do so!

Enjoy people, Don't forget to put your opinions below.
Also, the storage that zakuul is removing is being taken in part by the new tython