New Trooper Tree

Shade Tano

I was thinking of a new trooper tree was a melee class.
What do you mean melee??
An example of this is Swtor Concealment Operative (look this up on YouTube) this class consist of melee weapons like knifes.
I think this should be added with +1 or +2 speed higher then the highest trooper class speed. The knife should do 300-500 dmg and comes with a very weak pistol doing 20 dmg. Also maybe stealth.
You can’t attack while stealth
That’s it
I feel like troopers need stealth just for this class atleast.
This class wouldn’t be Over powered because it’s melee.


Imagine one of those IT swarms with like 8 people pull up on you in stealth mode then wack you with a knife twice and your dead


Troopers have enough things you guys are just asking for more stuff to fulfill your satisfaction. These may be cool put are entirely pointless


oh yea? and our extra 105 skill points is enough things?

But won’t adding more stuff cause data problems? Maybe we can have set jobs that have guns so we can remove them from skull tree and focus on the rest of stuff aka stats?


Aaa I see. I don’t know what a drm is but I heard it will fix a lot of problems ... I’ll buy one DONT WORRRY I got this lol