Remove Anime Models

This shit sucks. It breaks rp, seeing as we're supposed to be in a SWTOR-esk era and you have anime chicks running around with just a bra on. Some people can make rp work with them (specifically Ruby), but most of the time anime models are nothing but a immersion breaker. If the server really is trying to move to a more serious/semi serious state, then this change needs to happen in my opinion.

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This shit sucks. It breaks rp, seeing as we're supposed to be in a SWTOR-esk era and you have anime chicks running around with just a bra on. Some people can make rp work with them (specifically Ruby), but most of the time anime models are nothing but a immersion breaker. If the server really is trying to move to a more serious/semi serious state, then this change needs to happen in my opinion.


server cant handle serious rp with or without. if you want serious RP more then just anime models has to change.


to be fair the same can be said for people who have models that aren't associated with swtor like my own witch is just a rip from the witcher 3 and bloodborne, but i get where you are coming from. You can only go so far with cc's before they just completely break immersion, some people's tolerance is much higher than others but I agree that big tiddie anime models just aren't fit for roleplay.

but the argument could also be made that if one anime model is banned, all of them should be banned. to which I don't really agree with considering some anime models can actually work, @Aru's Kakashi CC is a perfect example of making an anime model work, even if it has 0 correlation with Star wars the model itself does not draw too much attention to itself unless the person with the model is making it draw attention.
to be fair the same can be said for people who have models that aren't associated with swtor like my own witch is just a rip from the witcher 3 and bloodborne, but i get where you are coming from. You can only go so far with cc's before they just completely break immersion, some people's tolerance is much higher than others but I agree that big tiddie anime models just aren't fit for roleplay.

but the argument could also be made that if one anime model is banned, all of them should be banned. to which I don't really agree with considering some anime models can actually work, @Aru's Kakashi CC is a perfect example of making an anime model work, even if it has 0 correlation with Star wars the model itself does not draw too much attention to itself unless the person with the model is making it draw attention.
I agree, you make some good points

Oat man

-1 I really dont see a problem it is just visually I don't have a hard time RPing with them around


So you want to selectively remove anime models? I think your problem isn't with anime models, but something else, from the way you're talking. Nothing is wrong with the anime models, it is the way people handle RP. For an example of a non-anime model that truly doesn't fit, if you can look at Woody from Toy Story and not complain, then I dunno what to tell ya bud.


So you want to selectively remove anime models? I think your problem isn't with anime models, but something else, from the way you're talking. Nothing is wrong with the anime models, it is the way people handle RP. For an example of a non-anime model that truly doesn't fit, if you can look at Woody from Toy Story and not complain, then I dunno what to tell ya bud.
Ok mira this is not epic we’re gonna have some problems


just remove the super shitty texture/unrealistic at all/midget waifu/bikini bitch with jiggle physics models
probs gonna go through and remove the sexual ones, idk how many there are, but uhhhhh I may not be allowed to remove one of them[/QUOT

If we are removing these models lets just remove all non-star wars, related models. There's always a way to cry and complain about things not being realistic. It's funny to me because people say they cant roleplay yet I never see many people even attempt to roleplay. Idk if its just me but it sounds like a subject to complain about just to complain about it. (Before and After anime models allowed.) Also, there's no nudity so its not really a big deal.


If we are removing these models lets just remove all non-star wars, related models. There's always a way to cry and complain about things not being realistic. It's funny to me because people say they cant roleplay yet I never see many people even attempt to roleplay. Idk if its just me but it sounds like a subject to complain about just to complain about it. (Before and After anime models allowed.)
im just gonna remove the super sexual models, not just the anime ones lmao. I didn't make the rule, unless @Shepard wants to change it