Rocco's Ban Appeal

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I don't like arguing on the forums, its something that has gotten me in trouble in the past and I try my best not to.

but I have to reply to this, because its disturbing how untruthful you are being about this, playing as if you were only calm and not complaining is just wrong. Im pretty sure some people saw you complaining in OOC, too bad logs are down.
You can ask my friend I was being calm but you kept upsetting me and yelling at me so I thought people should know what you were doing over something quite little.

After reviewing your appeal, I have decided to deny it (its being closed so soon because of it being 24 hrs.) When it come to your RDMing your friend, I don't believe its that serious, your correct in saying people do it a lot. As long as you friend consented I'd see no problem but I see why Caitlyn stopped you. When it comes to her freezing you, you should never try to get yourself unfrozen. A staff froze you for a reason, whether you belive it to be valid or not. The first time, ok I may understand that but when she clearly brought you under the map into a sit, you should of known what was happening. In terms of LTAP, that can be leaving the server, killing yourself in a sit, force leaping away, or any other thing that's makes you leave the sit. So after consulting Shepard and reviewing it myself, your appeal is denied. You may wait the 24 hours.


neutral, sounds like you're grinding for xp and covering it up, but also it shouldnt be a day ban.
but by the time this gets looked at the ban will be over...

What do you mean, I look at the forums every night dude. The only thing I leave open for a couple of days are staff apps.
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